May I just open this entry by letting you know that...
I am seeing MUSE on March 13, 2010 at The Palace of Auburn Hills in Detroit, MI!!]
Way too excited for this show seeing as how my love for this band has grown significantly in the past few months (as you can see by my last few entries on here). I was able to get 3 GA tickets, so it looks like another 3-5 hour wait in (possibly) cold weather...but this time, I'm actually going to wear socks. May even bring some hot chocolate and baileys. Watch out!
By the way, Muse of KROQ last night?? Did anyone catch that? Well find it online sometime, because it will melt your face. You know, if you are into that sort of thing.
Moving on...
It looks as though Interpol has won the "Band you most want to see get their freak back together in 2010", and you know, I must agree. It was a surprise when I had heard they were taking a break...breaking up...whatever, so this announcement was pretty fantabulous. Also on my list are Gorillaz. Apparently, the band will also have slightly aged animations with their videos and album art as well. How can you not love that dedication?
According to NME, Susan Boyle and Lady GaGa are the top on music charts lately. Yes, two exact opposites dominating music right now, and you know...I kind of like this. Much better than seeing Daughtry and Nickleback at it...again...and again...
Yeah Yeah Yeah's Karen O will be bumping Miley Cyrus out of the Grammy's race this year. Miley's "The Climb" (also the title of a really fantastic song by No Doubt, though quite different) was not eligible for the award of Best Song written for Visual Media, so instead the nom goes to Karens "All is Love" off the "Where the Wild Things Are" soundtrack. And I say, why the hell was this not the case in the first place? Oh's the Grammys.
However, bands like Kings of Leon and Silversun Pickups were also nominated for Grammys this year. I suppose it's a step in the right direction. Then again, you HAVE to have a "Best Rock Band" category, right? Hmmm..
On this note, can I just say the Grammys are the most difficult to watch out of all the award shows. I'm not necessarily a Grammy hater, but awarding artists for their music is no easy, or little, task. There are more genres of music, and more unique artists than people even know about. Movies and T.V shows are fairly well known, and most people have heard of most TV shows and movies out least compared to music. To have one 3 hour award show dedicated to music is almost impossible. I suppose this is a reason why there are "Woody" awards and "MTV music awards" (all around the world, even). Only well known artists get recognized, and to leave out potential amazing artists, only because a handful of music fans know them, practically makes the award nothing special. Yes, Kings of Leon are a great band...but the only reason for their Grammy nom. is because of their mucho airplay. They may deserve the award if they win, but how many rock bands out there have zero or very few air play with amazing talent pushing behind them? Awards are great, and bands should be recognized for their hard work, and their incredible skill, but as time goes by, music grows and 3 hours of award handling seems so insignificant.
But what can you do? I still wish best of luck to the musicians that have been nominated...but the best we can do as music lovers is to keep the music alive, and for the talented ones to never give up. Keep making the goodness!
What a rant, yes? I need a drink...
Anyway, before I make this entry way too long, I think I'll leave you with Karen O's, "All is Love". (fan made. Well done, yo!)
Toodles, friends!
Monday, December 14, 2009
You set my soul alight...
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Karen O,
Kings of Leon,
Lady GaGa,
Silversun Pickups
Saturday, November 21, 2009
MUSE: The Resistance (Part 5: Guiding Light)
Guiding Light (4:13)
This one took a few plays, but it was not too long before I decided this is one of my favorites. I must admit, the DVD footage of the making of this song helped sway my vote, but that's not bad thing. Sometimes it takes the visual realization of what magic is taking place to make songs work that influence the listeners decision to foster a love (or hate) relationship with the piece. Regardless of how, or how long, "Guiding Light" is a lover.
A strong, yet simple love song, Guiding Light opens with the ending of "United States of Eurasia" (you may remember the fading jet-like sound I mentioned previously), and dives right into ballad-like drums, and powerful synth. Bellamy's vocals slowly swoon a bit of heartache and a lot of passion, coupled with lyrics such as,
"Loved by numbers
you're losing life's wonder
touch like strangers; detached
I can't feel you anymore
The sunshine trapped in our hearts
it could rise again
but I'm lost, crushed, cold and confused
with no guiding light left inside"
Gosh, excuse me while I melt? You realize, again, how much you love this song the more you listen, and even more each time you read/sing his lyrics.
Back to the review...
About 2 minuets in, Bellamy "ooo's" his way into his one-of-a-king guitar solo, which is the point in the video that I realized this song is over the top wonderful. Seeing Matt play this solo is a bit of a jaw dropper, as you can even see in his face. The man has all sorts of talent, mixed in with great lyrics, emotional vocals, and, of course, Dom and Chris's extraordinary input. The baseline is catchy, and though the drums are steady and continuous, Guiding Light wouldn't be the song it is without them.
"When comfort and warmth can't be found I still reach for you
but I'm lost, crushed, cold and confused with no guiding light left inside"
"You're my guiding light
when there's no guiding light left inside"
Side note: The DVD footage also shows you how dedicated these guys are to perfecting their work. Rigorous discussion over how to strum the bass? Serious business to be had!
Did it take warming up? Yes.
Is it possible to get sick of? Nope.
Once you're in, there's no escaping, my friends. This is one for the lovers.
This is the DVD footage that sucked me in. Good luck ~Resisting (Nerd.)
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Resistance
Friday, November 20, 2009
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
May I just take this time to say...
WTF....BANDS?! Let's make up our minds here.
*Aerosmith finding a new front man after no contact with Ssteven Tyler for months.
*Fall Out Boy takes a break after touring with Blink 182
*Steven Tyler says "What the freak, I'm still in the band! I'm fucking STEVEN TYLER". Okay, not really. You get the idea.
*Fall Out Boy maybe breaking up...Pete says no...just breaking from Bronx.
*Interpol is back together, and we are to expect a new album out next year! YES.
*Aerosmith still can't figure their shit out. My opinion? If you get a new will NEED a new name. Aerosmith without Tyler is like Conan without crazy hair.
*Gallagher brother forms new band -minus otha brotha.
Some good...some meh...some just absurd. Thank you Muse and Killers for sticking with us. Oh, except TK will probably be going on a much deserved break after the end of their Day & Age tour sometime around Feburary 2010. Just come back to us, please. Enjoy the home life for once.
Aside from this, I realize I have been slacking on my "The Resistance" reviews, but I shall finish that up. You know, all you many readers out there....reading this.
Other fun facts?
OK Go have new video out. No treadmils.
Vampire Weekend debut new single, "Cousins".
REM to come out with a new album.
Muse announce UK stadium shows for September 2010. I have the presale code, but my damn bank account does not approve.
Julian Casablancas came out with a solo album, my friends!
Weezer also came out with their new album "Raditude", named by none other than Rainn Wilson! Rivers Cuomo sweetly tweeted "There would be no Rivers without Rainn". Collective "awwww" here.
Short and sweet!
Enjoy "Cousins" -Vampire Weekend
WTF....BANDS?! Let's make up our minds here.
*Aerosmith finding a new front man after no contact with Ssteven Tyler for months.
*Fall Out Boy takes a break after touring with Blink 182
*Steven Tyler says "What the freak, I'm still in the band! I'm fucking STEVEN TYLER". Okay, not really. You get the idea.
*Fall Out Boy maybe breaking up...Pete says no...just breaking from Bronx.
*Interpol is back together, and we are to expect a new album out next year! YES.
*Aerosmith still can't figure their shit out. My opinion? If you get a new will NEED a new name. Aerosmith without Tyler is like Conan without crazy hair.
*Gallagher brother forms new band -minus otha brotha.
Some good...some meh...some just absurd. Thank you Muse and Killers for sticking with us. Oh, except TK will probably be going on a much deserved break after the end of their Day & Age tour sometime around Feburary 2010. Just come back to us, please. Enjoy the home life for once.
Aside from this, I realize I have been slacking on my "The Resistance" reviews, but I shall finish that up. You know, all you many readers out there....reading this.
Other fun facts?
OK Go have new video out. No treadmils.
Vampire Weekend debut new single, "Cousins".
REM to come out with a new album.
Muse announce UK stadium shows for September 2010. I have the presale code, but my damn bank account does not approve.
Julian Casablancas came out with a solo album, my friends!
Weezer also came out with their new album "Raditude", named by none other than Rainn Wilson! Rivers Cuomo sweetly tweeted "There would be no Rivers without Rainn". Collective "awwww" here.
Short and sweet!
Enjoy "Cousins" -Vampire Weekend
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Julian Casablancas,
OK Go,
The Killers,
Vampire Weekend,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
MUSE: The Resistance (Part 4: United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage)

4. United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage (5:48)
In this almost two-parter, Muse tries something new. U.S.E is probably the least like their other already Hodge podge songs, but still brings the "epic" factor. Here, Bellamy composes some beautiful string accompaniment while jamming along with his piano and band. The song begins slow and steady before exploding into a Queen-esque riff and harmony, declaring "Why split these states, when there can be only one!", almost pleading as much as they are rocking. From there, it goes into an early, Middle-East/Asian sound coming from strings and piano. The song continues upbeat, but it is the lyrics that are important here:
You and me fall in line
To be punished for unproven crimes!
And we know that there is no one we can trust;
Our ancient heroes, they are turning to dust!
And these wars, they can't be won
Does anyone know or care how they begun?
They just promise to go on
And on and on
But soon we will see
There can be only one
United States!
United States!
And though "EurasIA!" comes from George Orwell's book, 1984 (also referenced in "Resistance"), I certainly believe that this song can translate to countries all over the world. Personally, I can't help but think of my United States of America while listening to this piece.
"Our ancient heroes, they are turning to dust."
No matter how you hear it, or what you think of, Muse is letting out some frustration shared by almost everyone around the world. It's a song that reflects a great book, but it also reflects something that almost every person can relate to. When someone can bring people together...I say that's quite the masterpiece.
But after the harmonies, the frustration, the strings and the roaring piano, the song continues. This time, the last 2 minuets, Bellamy softly, almost dreamily, plays the piano. It sounds somewhat Chopin influenced, which is never a bad thing. It goes on...almost making you forget your frustrations and loss of hope. There are even sounds of happiness and laughter at toward the end...wonderful...and then a sound of jets, or some kind of fighter craft flying overhead, just to bring us back to reality.
These guys know what's up, and are way ahead of any other band out there when it comes to song writing. Not only are the lyrics spot on, but the composition of the song is over the top. The more and more I listen, the more and more I fall in love! You can not deny the goodness!
Have a listen:
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Resistance
Friday, October 16, 2009
Toledo Hard Rock Band Debut Strong

It is always interesting to see area bands and musicians rise up to fame. Macy Gray, Nine Inch Nails, Hawthorne Heights, Devo and even Dean Martin are all Ohio natives who hit the big time with their music. But what about our city of Toledo? Many local bands strive to be the best and to one day headline their own thousand-crowd show. One band is willing to do what it takes to spread their love of music and song writing to fans in Toledo, OH and beyond.
The Closure Rule has been rocking Toledo and the surrounding areas for some time now. They are a five-man band whose name comes from “a principle of art and psychology” guitarist Mark Truna said.
“It deals with how our minds are constantly looking for closure” Truna said. The boys carry on a unique sound, formulated for any music fan.
“We usually go with rock, hardcore, pop-punk. We all come from different backgrounds and we try to incorporate every style we enjoy,” Truna said.
Their influences include the rock power of New Found Glory, Alkaline Trio, The Devil Wears Prada (another Ohio band) and Senses Fail.
During the year The Closure Rule has been together, the band has been getting their start by playing local bars and events. They have also recently put out their live debut album on their Myspace page. Truna thinks there is a great appeal to live records.
“Lately I've been listening to a live album by the NYC band Bayside. It's amazing. Live albums feel more personal and intimate,” he said. Though The Closure Rule is fairly new, all five members have all been a part of another band or have done business in the music industry.
“Josh (drummer) and I have been playing together for five years. James and Jimmy (bassist and guitarist) have been in and out of local bands and Mike (lead vocalist, guitarist) has a solo project.”
The band definitely have some strong and catchy songs, with lyrics like “Your touch paralyzes the very thought of thinking with my head and not my heart, because my heart belongs to you” from fan favorite “Your Touch Paralyzes“ and “Call me a fool, call me a man/ I will find love” from the more solemn “What I Need”. The Closure Rule has also had experience with touring. They have shared the stage with other bands such as Farewell, Punchline, Between the Trees and We Came as Romans. The Closure Rule has bigger plans when touring, admiring the idea of supporting bands such as A Day to Remember and Ohio natives The Devil Wears Prada. The ultimate goal is to reach fame status; to headline their own big shows and perhaps even a festival or two. All members have performed in festivals or “battle of the bands” in previous projects but they feel this new band is one worth paying attention to.
They are a confident band, and with a fairly strong fan base and with a “This is who we are!” attitude, they have every reason to be. Their lead vocalist, Mike, has a very charismatic, almost Brandon Boyd-like voice, and the rest of the group has perfected their chemistry and balance. They enjoy making music, which is reflected in their live shows and can be heard on their live album. With gig’s lined up in and around town, rock fans in the Toledo area can witness the hardcore goodness that is The Closure Rule. You can catch them on November 28th at Frankie’s Inner City as they support the popular alternative rock band The Ataris. One day, we may very well be able to add The Closure rule to our list of local rock pride.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Closure Rule
Saturday, October 10, 2009
MUSE: The Resistance (Part 3: Undisclosed Desires)
3. Undisclosed Desires (3:55)

Pop. Boy-Bandish. Timbaland. Or so you think...
Those first few bars of bass, electric strings, and beat immediatly make you think of the above adjectives (yes, "Timbaland" is an adjective) for this song. But like the album itself, first listens are deceiving. This track soon became my "repeat" track. Evidence of this is on my account...
The song has zero Matt Bellamy guitar on it, which makes it similar to Absolution's "Endlessly". Yes, "Undisclosed Desires" is the new "Endlessly"! And there is not a thing wrong with that.
Chris and Dom really put their work into this one, bassing it up with the best of them. And of course, what is a Muse track without Bellamy's sensual voice? The man knows how to give a girl butterflies. Though I must admit that the songs on-going crescendos and harmonies add to the sexiness. The sound itself is enough make you blush. Add in the whispers and the lyrics and you have one of the most lustful, yet romantic songs possibly ever produced (those "ooo"'s in mid song? I fell off my chair.)
The lyrics introduce us to a man's love for one special woman. She seems to be the "bad girl" type, or so she acts like it. No matter who she is, this man wants her, and wants her to know he will save her. What is there not to love
"You trick your lovers that you're wicked and Divine/ You may be a sinner but your innocence is mine./ Please me, show me how it's done./Tease me, you are the one."
Butterflies? Me, too. Wait until you hear that last harmony. That cut off is one that choral conductors sweat over.
And live? Beautiful.

Pop. Boy-Bandish. Timbaland. Or so you think...
Those first few bars of bass, electric strings, and beat immediatly make you think of the above adjectives (yes, "Timbaland" is an adjective) for this song. But like the album itself, first listens are deceiving. This track soon became my "repeat" track. Evidence of this is on my account...
The song has zero Matt Bellamy guitar on it, which makes it similar to Absolution's "Endlessly". Yes, "Undisclosed Desires" is the new "Endlessly"! And there is not a thing wrong with that.
Chris and Dom really put their work into this one, bassing it up with the best of them. And of course, what is a Muse track without Bellamy's sensual voice? The man knows how to give a girl butterflies. Though I must admit that the songs on-going crescendos and harmonies add to the sexiness. The sound itself is enough make you blush. Add in the whispers and the lyrics and you have one of the most lustful, yet romantic songs possibly ever produced (those "ooo"'s in mid song? I fell off my chair.)
The lyrics introduce us to a man's love for one special woman. She seems to be the "bad girl" type, or so she acts like it. No matter who she is, this man wants her, and wants her to know he will save her. What is there not to love
"You trick your lovers that you're wicked and Divine/ You may be a sinner but your innocence is mine./ Please me, show me how it's done./Tease me, you are the one."
Butterflies? Me, too. Wait until you hear that last harmony. That cut off is one that choral conductors sweat over.
And live? Beautiful.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Killers Hold My Hand and Let My Hair Down
October 2, 2009
USF Sun Dome Tampa, FL
Having seen The Killers twice already this year, I went into the USF Sun Dome expecting an incredible show. I knew the basic format of their set list; I knew the small monologues Brandon Flowers would speak in between songs for a quick break; I even knew when Flowers would kneel down in front of bassist Mark Stoermer while he slapped that bass for his well-known bass solo in “Jenny Was A Friend of Mine”. But no YouTube video, or memory of “killer” shows seen previously could have prepared me for the joy ride I was about to take. Simply put, The Killers blew me out of Tampa’s surrounding waters.
The band started out with a new opener “Joy Ride” (usually known for opening with a countdown leading to their first single “Human” from their newest album), encouraging the audience to dance along and forget about life’s troubles for a few hours. Flowers announced to the full standing crowd, “I’ve got a feeling about tonight! I’ve got a feeling about tonight!”, followed by a tremendous uproar. We, too, had a feeling something special was going to take place on this night.

The band pumped out fan favorites such as “Mr. Brightside”, “Human”, “Somebody Told Me”, and the horn powered “Bones” in which Flowers invited the audience to “Come with me! Feel your bones on my bones!” The heart stopping “A Dustland Fairytale”
and “Read My Mind” raised every hand and moved every soul. There was little room for rest on either the band or the crowd’s part, only slowing for a slow version of “Joy Ride” and the ever-so-melancholy “Smile Like You Mean It”.
Mid show, the band invited their opening band, Chairlift (known for their song “Bruises” as heard on iPod commercials), to share the stage and perform a cover of The Church’s “Under the Milky Way”.
Not once did I hear a silent crowd. There were constantly people chanting and reciting Flowers’ lyrics. “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier” from Hot Fuss’ “All These Things That I’ve Done” surely echoed through the streets of Tampa. Even the lesser known, yet no less epic, “BLING! Confessions of a King” from there sophomore album, Sam’s Town and “Losing Touch” from their recent Day & Age had people bobbing and singing along.

If you had been oblivious to the rich and powerful vibe that The Killers were flooding out to their audience, it was clear when the band had left the stage toward the end of their performance. Balcony structures became weak, and the dome erupted with noise to encourage the band that we needed more! After sometime, The Killers finished the night off right with “When You Were Young” and even played the original version of their song “Sam’s Town” with the echoing chant of “I see London, I see Sam’s Town. Holds my hand and let’s my hair down”.
And all too soon it was over.
The thing about this band is that…well…they never disappoint. Their stage is filled with props such as palm trees that remind them of their home in Las Vegas. They have a brilliant light show behind them, showing clips of their music videos and graphics that dance along to their songs. Brandon Flowers always makes the show seem personal, even declaring a “need for a connection” with the audience, where he reaches out to touch your hand. He looks out into the audience, as if to absorb it all, and smiles at you with reassurance. They make you feel as if there is nothing in the world at that time but you and the music.

This band is also for EVERYONE to enjoy. I walked into the show seeing young teens wearing all of their Killers gear only to be standing next to middle aged women also sharing a spot in front of a giant lit-up “K” in the very front row. I stood next to a couple in their sixties who were wearing “Victims” shirts, identifying themselves as members of the band’s fan club. Mothers and fathers brought their small kids. The Killers are also known all over the world. Having been signed first in the United Kingdom, the band has a very large fan base in Europe. Now they tour in Mexico and South America before heading to South Africa. I have no doubt that the fans about to witness this show will be just as amazed as I was. If I were to ever describe something as a religious experience, the feeling I shared with all of those people that night may just be it.

So though I have seen the band perform four times now, on two different tours, there was no denying some kind of magic in Tampa that night. No matter how much I may try to shake the need to see The Killers just one more time, you will be sure to find me jumping, sweating, singing, and swooning in that audience. I just can’t help myself.
USF Sun Dome Tampa, FL
Having seen The Killers twice already this year, I went into the USF Sun Dome expecting an incredible show. I knew the basic format of their set list; I knew the small monologues Brandon Flowers would speak in between songs for a quick break; I even knew when Flowers would kneel down in front of bassist Mark Stoermer while he slapped that bass for his well-known bass solo in “Jenny Was A Friend of Mine”. But no YouTube video, or memory of “killer” shows seen previously could have prepared me for the joy ride I was about to take. Simply put, The Killers blew me out of Tampa’s surrounding waters.
The band started out with a new opener “Joy Ride” (usually known for opening with a countdown leading to their first single “Human” from their newest album), encouraging the audience to dance along and forget about life’s troubles for a few hours. Flowers announced to the full standing crowd, “I’ve got a feeling about tonight! I’ve got a feeling about tonight!”, followed by a tremendous uproar. We, too, had a feeling something special was going to take place on this night.
The band pumped out fan favorites such as “Mr. Brightside”, “Human”, “Somebody Told Me”, and the horn powered “Bones” in which Flowers invited the audience to “Come with me! Feel your bones on my bones!” The heart stopping “A Dustland Fairytale”
and “Read My Mind” raised every hand and moved every soul. There was little room for rest on either the band or the crowd’s part, only slowing for a slow version of “Joy Ride” and the ever-so-melancholy “Smile Like You Mean It”.
Mid show, the band invited their opening band, Chairlift (known for their song “Bruises” as heard on iPod commercials), to share the stage and perform a cover of The Church’s “Under the Milky Way”.
Not once did I hear a silent crowd. There were constantly people chanting and reciting Flowers’ lyrics. “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier” from Hot Fuss’ “All These Things That I’ve Done” surely echoed through the streets of Tampa. Even the lesser known, yet no less epic, “BLING! Confessions of a King” from there sophomore album, Sam’s Town and “Losing Touch” from their recent Day & Age had people bobbing and singing along.
If you had been oblivious to the rich and powerful vibe that The Killers were flooding out to their audience, it was clear when the band had left the stage toward the end of their performance. Balcony structures became weak, and the dome erupted with noise to encourage the band that we needed more! After sometime, The Killers finished the night off right with “When You Were Young” and even played the original version of their song “Sam’s Town” with the echoing chant of “I see London, I see Sam’s Town. Holds my hand and let’s my hair down”.
And all too soon it was over.
The thing about this band is that…well…they never disappoint. Their stage is filled with props such as palm trees that remind them of their home in Las Vegas. They have a brilliant light show behind them, showing clips of their music videos and graphics that dance along to their songs. Brandon Flowers always makes the show seem personal, even declaring a “need for a connection” with the audience, where he reaches out to touch your hand. He looks out into the audience, as if to absorb it all, and smiles at you with reassurance. They make you feel as if there is nothing in the world at that time but you and the music.
This band is also for EVERYONE to enjoy. I walked into the show seeing young teens wearing all of their Killers gear only to be standing next to middle aged women also sharing a spot in front of a giant lit-up “K” in the very front row. I stood next to a couple in their sixties who were wearing “Victims” shirts, identifying themselves as members of the band’s fan club. Mothers and fathers brought their small kids. The Killers are also known all over the world. Having been signed first in the United Kingdom, the band has a very large fan base in Europe. Now they tour in Mexico and South America before heading to South Africa. I have no doubt that the fans about to witness this show will be just as amazed as I was. If I were to ever describe something as a religious experience, the feeling I shared with all of those people that night may just be it.
So though I have seen the band perform four times now, on two different tours, there was no denying some kind of magic in Tampa that night. No matter how much I may try to shake the need to see The Killers just one more time, you will be sure to find me jumping, sweating, singing, and swooning in that audience. I just can’t help myself.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Killers
Monday, September 21, 2009
Muse: The Resistance (Part 2: Resistance)
2. Resistance (5:47)
If you enjoy yourself some George Orwell "1984", chances are you will appreciate this track. The lyrics and the sound pretty much some up the relationships in that story, and manage to epxress the feeling one has while reading the book. Seeing as that is one of my favorite books...I dig the song. Oh, I dig it a lot.
The beginning is almost misleading. The song is one of the most diverse on the entire album, so though the track opens with an eeire, dark synth sound (that synth is MASSIVE, by the way. It's almost creepy watching the man play it), it rises to more than the slow, dream-like Muse we all know and love.
This is the perfect song to follow "Uprising". In the beginning, we felt the sense of rebellion, and had that whole "WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT" feel. Now we have the sense that something went wrong with that plan, and now we need a new one. Though Bellamy narrates the story with some sadness, there is still hope!
"Love is our Resistance/Keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down/Hold me, or lips must always be sealed"
The love story continues, with racing tempos and chillling harmonies all the way up until the climax gets our hopes and rebellion up again...only to end back where we started; That eerie synth. You know, the one that leaves you with goosebumps (does anyone say "goose pimples" anymore? Gross.).
Like "Uprising", Bellamy is trying to tell us something. He's not going to take it anymore, dammit, and neither am I! What that is, you decide, but I think I have a pretty good idea.
Musically, everyone does their part, and well. Matt Bellamy (vocals/guitar/synth) has spot on lyrics, heart wrenching vocals, and that unmistakable guitar riff. Dom Howard (drums) plays those 16ths like his life depended on it, and gets the listener going every time. But I think it is Christopher Wolstenholme's bass that makes me fall in love. VIVA LA BASS!
So to sum up: eerie synth, diverse song, spot on lyrics, holy bass guitar!, 1984, thank you, Muse.
Rating: 4/5
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Resistance
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
MUSE: The Resistance (Part 1: Uprising)
MUSE's new album, "The Resistance" was released here in the U.S yesterday...and much speeding began. The album is so amazingly diverse (as are most Muse albums), so I am going to review the epicness one song at a time. Finally will come my overall rating...and I think we all know how that is going to end up.
Let's get this started, yes?
1. UPRISING (5:03)
The first single off the new album made me a little nervous at first. It has the rock, the synth, and the drama that other Muse songs hold...but it just...repeated. Of course, I immediately downloaded it anyway, but after listening about 501 times, I would skip to the next song after the first minuet. What was going on? Well, I still had faith that the rest of the album would be amazing.
But the more and more I listen to it, the more things I hear and the better it becomes. The build up to the second chorus, synth climbing included, has become my favorite part. And that mid song solo? It starts out small, and ends with an "IN YOUR FACE!" rockness.
I am making up a lot of words here.
I then watched Muse perform on the MTV VMA's (which was the only thing worth watching. Might I also add that I am extremely frustrated that OTHER circumstances that the VMA's shadowed really great acts. Muse is hardly mentioned even though their set was the best of the night. Yeah.)
The boys played "Uprising", and the question I used to have for the song completely disappeared. You have to see these guys live. I would bet it may very well be the best night of my life.
So now when I listen to "Uprising", I hear that synth build up, the fun dance-tastic tempo, and turn it up at that mid song solo...and everyone moves along.
And have I mentioned the lyrics?
"So come on
Rise up and take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
They know that their time's coming to an end
Unify and watch our flag ascend"
GET IT, PEOPLE. At least someone does.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Resistance,
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I Change Shapes Just to Hide in This Place.
I think I may have found another perfect opener for The Killers. Don't get me wrong, M83, Chairlift, Phoenix, and Wolfmother are all overly amazing...but I feel this one should be more than considered:
I bring to you (nothing new, but still note worthy) that of Miike Snow.
They bring out the off beats and the synth rock. Not only is the music unique and trendy, but the lyrics are something you don't hear with your everyday alternative bands. A little taste of Scissor Sisters...but with a darker edge to them? Maybe? This guy matches up with Flowers's writing, and even love for the keyboards.
Perfect match? I think yes.
Not convinced with "Animal"?
Try "A Horse is not a Home" or "Black & Blue"
Now, excuse me while I legally change my name to Chelsiie Baiird.
I bring to you (nothing new, but still note worthy) that of Miike Snow.
They bring out the off beats and the synth rock. Not only is the music unique and trendy, but the lyrics are something you don't hear with your everyday alternative bands. A little taste of Scissor Sisters...but with a darker edge to them? Maybe? This guy matches up with Flowers's writing, and even love for the keyboards.
Perfect match? I think yes.
Not convinced with "Animal"?
Try "A Horse is not a Home" or "Black & Blue"
Now, excuse me while I legally change my name to Chelsiie Baiird.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Miike Snow,
Scissor Sisters,
The Killers,
Monday, August 17, 2009
He's a Punkrocker, Yes He Is...
I cannot deny my love for one Iggy Pop --especially his collaborations. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to "Punkrocker" by Teddybears ft. Iggy (mainly because I have had to re sync my iPod so my play count let's just say it's many.
NOW, here he is singing "Oh My God" with Ida Maria:
Okay, he's not the greatest vocalist in...anywhere...but it's effing Iggy Pop! How can you not love something like this? How do these things come about?
"Hey, Iggy here, can I duet with you?"
Yes, please.
Dear Iggy,
Continue dueting. It amazes me. Thanks.
Tis all for now. Kbye.
NOW, here he is singing "Oh My God" with Ida Maria:
Okay, he's not the greatest vocalist in...anywhere...but it's effing Iggy Pop! How can you not love something like this? How do these things come about?
"Hey, Iggy here, can I duet with you?"
Yes, please.
Dear Iggy,
Continue dueting. It amazes me. Thanks.
Tis all for now. Kbye.
Friday, July 24, 2009
LOOK OUT! I'm Just Too Fake For The World
Okay, people.
You may have heard, and you may not have.
For both sorts of you, have a listen:
"Too Fake" -Hockey
They are from Portland, Oregon
They consist of:
Benjamin Grubin
Brian White
Jeremy Reynolds
Anthony Stassi
Ryan Dolliver
Just another reason for me to go to Lolla...
They are just fab.
I am telling you, these guys shall be HUGE.
You may have heard, and you may not have.
For both sorts of you, have a listen:
"Too Fake" -Hockey
They are from Portland, Oregon
They consist of:
Benjamin Grubin
Brian White
Jeremy Reynolds
Anthony Stassi
Ryan Dolliver
Just another reason for me to go to Lolla...
They are just fab.
I am telling you, these guys shall be HUGE.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Heart Is Beating Like A Jungle Drummm
Songs Chelsie is listening to that she feels other are missing out on if they are not:
Transmission -Joy Division
Because I just want to dance dance dance dance dance to the radio.
Can't Stop Feeling -Franz Ferdinand
Because they now play it live...well, they play it live, AGAIN.
Jungle Drum -Emiliana Torrini
A dun a dun a dunkadundundun
This River Is Wild -The Killers
Because I just can't stop loving Sam's Town more than any other album. Ever.
Keane is collaborating with Kanye West, everybody.
And KOL and Radiohead to be on Twilight soundtrack. I have to admit, it does get more young people to discover good music...which is a really great thing. It happened with Muse, and who wouldn't fall in love with KOL? So I like this.
Transmission -Joy Division
Because I just want to dance dance dance dance dance to the radio.
Can't Stop Feeling -Franz Ferdinand
Because they now play it live...well, they play it live, AGAIN.
Jungle Drum -Emiliana Torrini
A dun a dun a dunkadundundun
This River Is Wild -The Killers
Because I just can't stop loving Sam's Town more than any other album. Ever.
Keane is collaborating with Kanye West, everybody.
And KOL and Radiohead to be on Twilight soundtrack. I have to admit, it does get more young people to discover good music...which is a really great thing. It happened with Muse, and who wouldn't fall in love with KOL? So I like this.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Emiliana Torrini,
Franz Ferdinand,
Joy Division,
Kings of Leon,
The Killers
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Can't Stop...No, Won't Stop.
Um, hi.
"Can't Stop Feeling" -Franz Ferdinand
It's awesome. It's amazing. It's hilarious. I love Paul. Enjoy!
"Can't Stop Feeling" -Franz Ferdinand
It's awesome. It's amazing. It's hilarious. I love Paul. Enjoy!
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Franz Ferdinand
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Ocean Breathes Salty Won't You Carry It In
Just a small music newssss update.
Ya know, cause that's what I made this freakin thing for.
First off, Lolla, for me, is getting farther away. My chances of getting a 3 day pass are I may have to settle for the one day. So what day do I choose? It's clear. Aside from Kings of Leon and The Beastie Boys...Sunday looks like THE day to be at Grant Park.
Kasier Chiefs
Lou Reed
Vampire Weekend
Airborn Toxic Event
Bat for Lashes
Silversun Pickups
Cold War Kids
and to close it all, Jane's Addiction vs. The Killers. And I think we all know what stage I would be front and center for.
Oh yeah...and Snoop Dogg...
So let's hope to get Chelsie to Grant Park on Aug. 9th, yes?
If no (and maybe "as well as"), the Modest Mouse has announced their US tour! Their new 7" is due out this Saturday, which means new album soon. Until that time, I may very well be seeing a (Johnny Marr-less) Modest Mouse on Aug. 24th in Columbus, the same outside venue where we saw The least it won't be Cinco de Mayo.
Speaking of festivals, there was a dead body found at Bonnaroo clean up...
Oh, and no more Hookie. New Order = Hookieless.
Okay, that's my update!
Ya know, cause that's what I made this freakin thing for.
First off, Lolla, for me, is getting farther away. My chances of getting a 3 day pass are I may have to settle for the one day. So what day do I choose? It's clear. Aside from Kings of Leon and The Beastie Boys...Sunday looks like THE day to be at Grant Park.
Kasier Chiefs
Lou Reed
Vampire Weekend
Airborn Toxic Event
Bat for Lashes
Silversun Pickups
Cold War Kids
and to close it all, Jane's Addiction vs. The Killers. And I think we all know what stage I would be front and center for.
Oh yeah...and Snoop Dogg...
So let's hope to get Chelsie to Grant Park on Aug. 9th, yes?
If no (and maybe "as well as"), the Modest Mouse has announced their US tour! Their new 7" is due out this Saturday, which means new album soon. Until that time, I may very well be seeing a (Johnny Marr-less) Modest Mouse on Aug. 24th in Columbus, the same outside venue where we saw The least it won't be Cinco de Mayo.
Speaking of festivals, there was a dead body found at Bonnaroo clean up...
Oh, and no more Hookie. New Order = Hookieless.
Okay, that's my update!
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Airborne Toxic Event,
Bat for Lashes,
Cold War Kids,
Kaiser Chiefs,
Lou Reed,
Modest Mouse,
New Order,
Silversun Pickups,
The Killers,
Vampire Weekend
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Out Where The Dreams Are High
I have been SLACKING!
But now with Twitter, and of course through Facebook, my updates are still going. But it's always nice to have the blog.
I still have to review The Killers concert from May, but for now..."A Dustland Fairytale".
I agree with The Killers when they say they don't like to talk much about the meaing of their songs, which is the reason most of their videos lack a story line. I have my own views of what the song means to me, and even invision the songs (who doesn't?). But when I saw this videa, knowing about the story line, I thought it just fit. It isn't exactly what I had in my own head, for sure, but something about it works out.
It has sort of a "When You Were Young" feel to it, with a beginning and and ending about relationships, love, hurt, suprise, just raw emotion. But there are obvious differences. The director put the song onto film beautifully, and each time I watch it, I get it even more.
However, I would have to say the live version is always best. Seeing it twice myself was out of this world. But for anyone who hasn't seen, the live version on David Letterman sum it up. It is impossible not to be moved by it...
Regardless of which one you watch, you won't be disappointed!
Now get me a damn tissue
But now with Twitter, and of course through Facebook, my updates are still going. But it's always nice to have the blog.
I still have to review The Killers concert from May, but for now..."A Dustland Fairytale".
I agree with The Killers when they say they don't like to talk much about the meaing of their songs, which is the reason most of their videos lack a story line. I have my own views of what the song means to me, and even invision the songs (who doesn't?). But when I saw this videa, knowing about the story line, I thought it just fit. It isn't exactly what I had in my own head, for sure, but something about it works out.
It has sort of a "When You Were Young" feel to it, with a beginning and and ending about relationships, love, hurt, suprise, just raw emotion. But there are obvious differences. The director put the song onto film beautifully, and each time I watch it, I get it even more.
However, I would have to say the live version is always best. Seeing it twice myself was out of this world. But for anyone who hasn't seen, the live version on David Letterman sum it up. It is impossible not to be moved by it...
Regardless of which one you watch, you won't be disappointed!
Now get me a damn tissue
If the music is the victim, than so am I
A Dustland Fairytale,
The Killers
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I found a new way! I found a new way, baby.
Long time no blog! I have been pretty busy lately, and of course with only the best of things. Last week was concert week for me, and here I be...blogging to you...about the rockige.
Post 1: Franz Ferdinand -Pontiac, MI May 3, 2009
Finally arriving to Clutch Cargo's in Pontiac, I couldn't help but notice the place was..well...small. Much smaller than I had anticipated, but this just made the show seem more intamite which automatically means amazingness. We arrived, ate, parked, and waited in line a few hours before doors opened on a mild, sunny evening. While waiting, I noticed a little guy on cruthes talking to someone by the tour buses. I think I was the only one to spot Nick McCarthy. Not too long after Nick went back inside, Paul Thomson came out to help load some equipment one turned.

Being this was my first time seeing Franz in concert, I really had no idea what to expect. Having seen The Killers before, I felt concerts were a huge deal. Everyone knew everyone in the band, and would sworm if they came ou pre-gig. But with Franz, their "biggness" hasn't hit as hard here in the U.S. If that was Brandon Flowers or Ronnie Vannucci out there (which I don't ever see them hulling their own eqiptment into their gig), not a person would still be in line (probably not even for Alex Kapranos, acually...). Reason one why I fell in love with Franz that night.
Doors finally opened, and after mazing around the damn venue, we found our spot along the barrier, which is the only place I can really stand. Even the songs playing before the opening band showed up were getting me to move. Reason number 2.
Finally we see 4 average looking skinny guys almost stuble onto the stage. They call themeselves Born Ruffians , and have a Dylan/Stills way about them. The drummer is the first to speak, and is the most animate along with the bass player the entire set. Their music was fairly uplifting and almost..summery..which I didn't mind at all. The lead singer was clearly out on his own somewhere, but maybe that's what make's his presentation so unique. Regardless, the bass drum got us all hopping, and the bass player got us all smiling. Though I think it is a little early in their career to tell certain people to not pay attention to their song because it's dedicated to VIP's only...I let it go. For now..sort of...whatever.

Finally, they sound as though they are going to introduce a "featurer", in which I automatically thought of Paul. And I was right. Paul Thomson joined the group for a song, and my lord does that man know how to drum that shit! Amazing. I was PUMPED for Franz now.
The wait between bands was hardly a wait at all, and before we knew it, Alex Kapranoes, Nick McCarthy, Bob Hardy, and Paul Thomson took their spots on the tiny stage. The lights flashed, and already you could tell they meant to have fun. They opened with The Fallen from their sophomore album, You Could Have It So Much Better, and the crowd was immediatly into it.

Alex is quite the energetic front man, doing signature jumps and sexy eyes for the crowd the entire time. Nick was limited to a chair due to a broken foot, but still managed to extend his energy to us. Bob played the bass as though it were a part of his breathing cycle and Paul was easily visible, rockin the drums as only he knows how. Songs like Take Me Out and Uylesses of course got the higest reaction, but it was the less known songs that really gave me the chills. Everyone was singing along, and even Alex smiled numerous times at his audience.
The epic drumming session after Outsiders was no less than perefect. Though we sort of sucked at audience participation, we eventually got the hang of when to properly sing "lalalala lalalala" for 40'. Many songs were prolonged and at times made up on the spot, such as This Fire, which made you ean forward in your spot in anticipation as to what would come next. The guys never fell short of amazing, and it was the most fun I have had in a concert yet.
It was a small venue, but it made for a great time. I never stopped dancing, and willfully layed Alex's guitar when he reached it out for us to play. They all smiled and laughed, and I felt as though they were just a couple of fun guys doing what they love...and well.
After the show we waited to meet the guys. It took a while, but finally they came out. We waited by the busses since they were practically surrounded by a lot of people. We saw Paul on the other side, had a little chat, and then found Nick. Bob left too quickly, and then Alex came out. Everyone had gone by the time we got up to him, which was perfect for me. They all really loved our comments and really seemed to enjoy themselves--even just signing autographs and taking pictures.

The whole way home my boyfriend and I couldn't stop replaying the show. We talked about how enegrgetic they were, how amazing they sound live, and the fun we had dancing and singing like MAD! It was a GREAT experience...
only it will be until 2010 until I see them sigh.
Maybe I will have to buy Green Day tickets (barf) just to see them open...
Long time no blog! I have been pretty busy lately, and of course with only the best of things. Last week was concert week for me, and here I be...blogging to you...about the rockige.
Post 1: Franz Ferdinand -Pontiac, MI May 3, 2009
Finally arriving to Clutch Cargo's in Pontiac, I couldn't help but notice the place was..well...small. Much smaller than I had anticipated, but this just made the show seem more intamite which automatically means amazingness. We arrived, ate, parked, and waited in line a few hours before doors opened on a mild, sunny evening. While waiting, I noticed a little guy on cruthes talking to someone by the tour buses. I think I was the only one to spot Nick McCarthy. Not too long after Nick went back inside, Paul Thomson came out to help load some equipment one turned.
Being this was my first time seeing Franz in concert, I really had no idea what to expect. Having seen The Killers before, I felt concerts were a huge deal. Everyone knew everyone in the band, and would sworm if they came ou pre-gig. But with Franz, their "biggness" hasn't hit as hard here in the U.S. If that was Brandon Flowers or Ronnie Vannucci out there (which I don't ever see them hulling their own eqiptment into their gig), not a person would still be in line (probably not even for Alex Kapranos, acually...). Reason one why I fell in love with Franz that night.
Doors finally opened, and after mazing around the damn venue, we found our spot along the barrier, which is the only place I can really stand. Even the songs playing before the opening band showed up were getting me to move. Reason number 2.
Finally we see 4 average looking skinny guys almost stuble onto the stage. They call themeselves Born Ruffians , and have a Dylan/Stills way about them. The drummer is the first to speak, and is the most animate along with the bass player the entire set. Their music was fairly uplifting and almost..summery..which I didn't mind at all. The lead singer was clearly out on his own somewhere, but maybe that's what make's his presentation so unique. Regardless, the bass drum got us all hopping, and the bass player got us all smiling. Though I think it is a little early in their career to tell certain people to not pay attention to their song because it's dedicated to VIP's only...I let it go. For now..sort of...whatever.
Finally, they sound as though they are going to introduce a "featurer", in which I automatically thought of Paul. And I was right. Paul Thomson joined the group for a song, and my lord does that man know how to drum that shit! Amazing. I was PUMPED for Franz now.
The wait between bands was hardly a wait at all, and before we knew it, Alex Kapranoes, Nick McCarthy, Bob Hardy, and Paul Thomson took their spots on the tiny stage. The lights flashed, and already you could tell they meant to have fun. They opened with The Fallen from their sophomore album, You Could Have It So Much Better, and the crowd was immediatly into it.
Alex is quite the energetic front man, doing signature jumps and sexy eyes for the crowd the entire time. Nick was limited to a chair due to a broken foot, but still managed to extend his energy to us. Bob played the bass as though it were a part of his breathing cycle and Paul was easily visible, rockin the drums as only he knows how. Songs like Take Me Out and Uylesses of course got the higest reaction, but it was the less known songs that really gave me the chills. Everyone was singing along, and even Alex smiled numerous times at his audience.
The epic drumming session after Outsiders was no less than perefect. Though we sort of sucked at audience participation, we eventually got the hang of when to properly sing "lalalala lalalala" for 40'. Many songs were prolonged and at times made up on the spot, such as This Fire, which made you ean forward in your spot in anticipation as to what would come next. The guys never fell short of amazing, and it was the most fun I have had in a concert yet.
It was a small venue, but it made for a great time. I never stopped dancing, and willfully layed Alex's guitar when he reached it out for us to play. They all smiled and laughed, and I felt as though they were just a couple of fun guys doing what they love...and well.
After the show we waited to meet the guys. It took a while, but finally they came out. We waited by the busses since they were practically surrounded by a lot of people. We saw Paul on the other side, had a little chat, and then found Nick. Bob left too quickly, and then Alex came out. Everyone had gone by the time we got up to him, which was perfect for me. They all really loved our comments and really seemed to enjoy themselves--even just signing autographs and taking pictures.
The whole way home my boyfriend and I couldn't stop replaying the show. We talked about how enegrgetic they were, how amazing they sound live, and the fun we had dancing and singing like MAD! It was a GREAT experience...
only it will be until 2010 until I see them sigh.
Maybe I will have to buy Green Day tickets (barf) just to see them open...
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Born Ruffians,
Franz Ferdinand
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Is There Still Magic In The Midnight Sun?
So I did not win the contest...which was lame...but congrats to Jonathan, and thank you for the great footage!
Speaking of, one of the places Jonathan went to see The Killers was Coachella. Mmm how I would have loved me some of that musical greatness. But, I have Youtube...right? Sure. Here is by far the best performance during the whole weekend:
Apparently A Dustland Fairytale is supposed to be the next single in the U.S...though CA has been playing This Is Your Life on the radio. Either way they can't loose. Both songs are strong lyrically and musically (well, hello!) so people will be turned on fo sho.
The Killers also made an appearance on Jay Leno tonight. For being a lame show (very...womanly...), The Killers made it great. I can't tell you how much they have omproved and how much more confident they sounds compared to late last year. They truly rock, and I really don't think I can stress this enough, people.
Nuff of TK, already, okay okay...
Aside from THEM, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Paul McCartney, Franz Ferdinand and My Bloody Valentine all rocked it up in CA this weekend. This is a great time for music, isn't it? I think in times like these, music can really pull people together. You can forget about life for a while with other peoples lyrics and instruments. No matter where you are; in a dark arena or outdoors watching the sunset, music will get to you, and in such an amazing way. I don't think there is much that can touch the feeling and emotions that run through the way that a good song does. it.
Okay, short but sweet. AND a hint of why music moves me...I mean really, I can't stand still here.
Speaking of, one of the places Jonathan went to see The Killers was Coachella. Mmm how I would have loved me some of that musical greatness. But, I have Youtube...right? Sure. Here is by far the best performance during the whole weekend:
Apparently A Dustland Fairytale is supposed to be the next single in the U.S...though CA has been playing This Is Your Life on the radio. Either way they can't loose. Both songs are strong lyrically and musically (well, hello!) so people will be turned on fo sho.
The Killers also made an appearance on Jay Leno tonight. For being a lame show (very...womanly...), The Killers made it great. I can't tell you how much they have omproved and how much more confident they sounds compared to late last year. They truly rock, and I really don't think I can stress this enough, people.
Nuff of TK, already, okay okay...
Aside from THEM, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Cure, Paul McCartney, Franz Ferdinand and My Bloody Valentine all rocked it up in CA this weekend. This is a great time for music, isn't it? I think in times like these, music can really pull people together. You can forget about life for a while with other peoples lyrics and instruments. No matter where you are; in a dark arena or outdoors watching the sunset, music will get to you, and in such an amazing way. I don't think there is much that can touch the feeling and emotions that run through the way that a good song does. it.
Okay, short but sweet. AND a hint of why music moves me...I mean really, I can't stand still here.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Franz Ferdinand,
My Bloody Valentine,
Paul McCartney,
The Cure,
The Killers,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New Vid, and Great Experience with SPIN Earth!
So here is the final cut. I made slight changes, and I think it turned out fairly decent. But I guess we'll see what others think tomorrow:
You can see everyone's videos here:
I must say this whole experience has been great! I've never made a video before, so staying up night after night, and working on it with my sister was a blast! I've also got to see a whole batch of people who love the same band that I love, and there's nothing like it. The people (for the most part) have been really great and supportive of eachother, which is something you don't see all the time. There are no fans like Killers fans, FO SHO! So thanks, everyone! You guys have been great, and regardless of who wins, we are going to all have a great weekend seeing what the band is up to for 3 days!
Ahhhh Las Vegas....CA.....can.not.wait.
Good luck, you guys! And thanks for the guys have been great. We know whats up!
Now we ANXIOUSLY wait it out...for who knows how long. At least we will DEFINITELY know by tomorrow...sometime.
Brandon Flowers to pair up with Kanye: possibly on "Sweet Talk".
Phil Spector: Guilty
Mars Volta to be out June 23
Oh, and download "San Jacinto" by Peter Gabriel. That man is a genious, and anyone who thinks differently is clueless.
You can see everyone's videos here:
I must say this whole experience has been great! I've never made a video before, so staying up night after night, and working on it with my sister was a blast! I've also got to see a whole batch of people who love the same band that I love, and there's nothing like it. The people (for the most part) have been really great and supportive of eachother, which is something you don't see all the time. There are no fans like Killers fans, FO SHO! So thanks, everyone! You guys have been great, and regardless of who wins, we are going to all have a great weekend seeing what the band is up to for 3 days!
Ahhhh Las Vegas....CA.....can.not.wait.
Good luck, you guys! And thanks for the guys have been great. We know whats up!
Now we ANXIOUSLY wait it out...for who knows how long. At least we will DEFINITELY know by tomorrow...sometime.
Brandon Flowers to pair up with Kanye: possibly on "Sweet Talk".
Phil Spector: Guilty
Mars Volta to be out June 23
Oh, and download "San Jacinto" by Peter Gabriel. That man is a genious, and anyone who thinks differently is clueless.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Brandon Flowers,
Kanye West,
Mars Volta,
Peter Gabriel,
SPIN Earth,
The Killers
Friday, April 10, 2009
El Video
Here it be.
I have a backup plan if needed, but it seems to be doing well so far! Let me know,people!
I can't stress enough how amazing this would be. This band has been a huge part of my life, and as cliche as the sounds, it's the truth. No other band get's me going like The Killers. I thought all hope for rock was lost when I was in high school until I heard "Somebody Told Me" for the first time. Their albums are like soundtracks to my growing up, and I'll never forget that.
That, and they fucking ROCK live! MY GOD, they put on a show.
Following them and sharing my experience with the rest of the world .... perfect. Dear LORD, I would LOVE this chance!
Okay, nuff o' that. I can save my Killers dedication another for another day.
That's all for now. Homework, work, class, and this vide have been consuming my every second.
Thanks, loves.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
SPIN Earth,
The Killers
Monday, April 6, 2009
Just a few things on the musical hempisphere of Chelsie's brain (which happens to consist of much Killers news...":
I am sick and tired of hearing about The Killers being sick and tired...of eachother. There have been several reports on this, all saying almost the same exact shit about the band not getting along, and it's ridiculous. One of the things mentioned is how they drive seperatly to and from gigs. They have been QUOTED, saying that sometimes some of them go back to their hotel (ahem, the married one's) and the others go out ("The Welcome to The Jungle bus"). They don't hate eachother, I am SURE.
I can definitly see why they might say they are "tired". The guys haven't had much of a break since they started a break is deserved. They aren't breaking up, and as long as they keep putting their godsend songs out for us to get high off of, let um break as long as they need!
Moving on.
Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Depeche Mode all coming out with new albums soon. Thank you.
Green Day to come out with a musical based on American Idiot.
Please, dear lord, somebody help us all. There aren't enough words to describe the lamenes and annoyance I hace for
And, finally....
I am making plans to make THE most EPIC 2 min. video on why I am the biggest Killers fan ever. If I win, I "shadow" them for 3 gigs (including their homecoming in Las Vegas, and Coachella!), and write about my amazingly amazing time with them for spinearth readers. Ahhhh it's going to be THE best. Any suggestions?? I have a few ideas in mind, but I only have a week!
Less than a month for Franz Ferdinand
1 month for The Killers
Possibly 20 days for the 3 best days of my life.
I am sick and tired of hearing about The Killers being sick and tired...of eachother. There have been several reports on this, all saying almost the same exact shit about the band not getting along, and it's ridiculous. One of the things mentioned is how they drive seperatly to and from gigs. They have been QUOTED, saying that sometimes some of them go back to their hotel (ahem, the married one's) and the others go out ("The Welcome to The Jungle bus"). They don't hate eachother, I am SURE.
I can definitly see why they might say they are "tired". The guys haven't had much of a break since they started a break is deserved. They aren't breaking up, and as long as they keep putting their godsend songs out for us to get high off of, let um break as long as they need!
Moving on.
Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Depeche Mode all coming out with new albums soon. Thank you.
Green Day to come out with a musical based on American Idiot.
Please, dear lord, somebody help us all. There aren't enough words to describe the lamenes and annoyance I hace for
And, finally....
I am making plans to make THE most EPIC 2 min. video on why I am the biggest Killers fan ever. If I win, I "shadow" them for 3 gigs (including their homecoming in Las Vegas, and Coachella!), and write about my amazingly amazing time with them for spinearth readers. Ahhhh it's going to be THE best. Any suggestions?? I have a few ideas in mind, but I only have a week!
Less than a month for Franz Ferdinand
1 month for The Killers
Possibly 20 days for the 3 best days of my life.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Bob Dylan,
Depeche Mode,
Green Day,
Neil Young,
The Killers
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Heart Just Can't Contain All That Empty Space
The Killers B Side to Spaceman:
"Four Winds" cover (by Bright Eyes)
Here's the original:
Not gonna lie, the original is great anyway. But The Killers adding their own synthtastic love to it makes it that much more...orgasmic. I effing love this cover. Yes? No?
"Four Winds" cover (by Bright Eyes)
Here's the original:
Not gonna lie, the original is great anyway. But The Killers adding their own synthtastic love to it makes it that much more...orgasmic. I effing love this cover. Yes? No?
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Bright Eyes,
Four Winds,
The Killers
Monday, March 23, 2009
The time is getting near to figure out who the freak is going to be apart of the Lolla Lineup!
So far, possibilities include:
Jane's Addiction, Beastie Boys, Depeche Mode, Kaiser Chiefs, Ezra Furman and the Harpoons, maybe some Atmposphere, Friendly Fires, Lou Reed, Andrew Bird...
and just announced possibly HEADLINING....
Tool and The Killers, Kings of Leon.
uuuuummmmmohmy gotta go.
So far, possibilities include:
Jane's Addiction, Beastie Boys, Depeche Mode, Kaiser Chiefs, Ezra Furman and the Harpoons, maybe some Atmposphere, Friendly Fires, Lou Reed, Andrew Bird...
and just announced possibly HEADLINING....
Tool and The Killers, Kings of Leon.
uuuuummmmmohmy gotta go.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Beasite Boys,
Depeche Mode,
Jane's Addiction,
Kings of Leon,
Lou Reed,
The Killers
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Under Presh-uh
Excuse me, but how the hell is anything by Bon Jovi, Durran Durran, or Hall and OATS > Under Pressure by David Bowie & Queen or Burning Down The House by Talking Heads!? Can someone explain this to me? And what's worse....PEOPLE VOTED for this!
Can you tell I'm outraged?!?
I mean...Hungry...Like...The Wolf.... beats the orgasmic amazing goodness of an end of Under Pressure??????
Oi....that's all for now.
Does SOMEONE agree with me, here?
Can you tell I'm outraged?!?
I mean...Hungry...Like...The Wolf.... beats the orgasmic amazing goodness of an end of Under Pressure??????
Oi....that's all for now.
Does SOMEONE agree with me, here?
If the music is the victim, than so am I
David Bowie,
Friday, March 6, 2009
Daft Punk is Playing In My House, In My House--suh
I have been SLACKING. I blame class and work. Damn them...
Anyway, whats been going on? Oh not much, really. Here's some brief news for ya!
*V Festival amazing seats sold out in 2 hours! This just proves that even during hard economic times everywhere in the world, music can really bring us all together no matter what. Gosh, music rocks...
*Michael Jackson may very well start a new WORLD tour after his London gigs. Um, go fig.
*Some chick is going INSANE on this soap opera my mom has on....!! Wow.... okay back to it:
*Amy Whinehouse charged with assult--again.
*Andy Burrows, the drummer from Razorlight, is leaving the band. "Personal reasons" he says.
*Kasabian is releasing their new album, West Rider Pauper Lunatic Asylum, (yeah, that's right) in June.
*The Beatles Rock Band will be out this September!!!
Okay, that's what I've got for now.
Oh, and you should download these:
Good Days Bad Days -Kaiser Chiefs
Ghetto Music -Spinnerette
Daft Punk Is Playing In My House -LCD Soundsystem
Anyway, whats been going on? Oh not much, really. Here's some brief news for ya!
*V Festival amazing seats sold out in 2 hours! This just proves that even during hard economic times everywhere in the world, music can really bring us all together no matter what. Gosh, music rocks...
*Michael Jackson may very well start a new WORLD tour after his London gigs. Um, go fig.
*Some chick is going INSANE on this soap opera my mom has on....!! Wow.... okay back to it:
*Amy Whinehouse charged with assult--again.
*Andy Burrows, the drummer from Razorlight, is leaving the band. "Personal reasons" he says.
*Kasabian is releasing their new album, West Rider Pauper Lunatic Asylum, (yeah, that's right) in June.
*The Beatles Rock Band will be out this September!!!
Okay, that's what I've got for now.
Oh, and you should download these:
Good Days Bad Days -Kaiser Chiefs
Ghetto Music -Spinnerette
Daft Punk Is Playing In My House -LCD Soundsystem
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Amy Whinehouse,
Andy Burrows,
Kaiser Chiefs,
LCD Soundsystem,
Michael Jackson,
The Beatles
Thursday, February 26, 2009
And The Middle Finger Goes Up To....
Yesterday good ole Britain put on Shockwave's NME awards, and oh how interesting it always is!
Here be your big winners:
Godlike Genius: The Cure
Best British Band: Oasis
Best International Band: The Killers
Best Solo Artist: Pete Doherty
Nest New Band: MGMT
Best Live Band: Muse
Best Album: Kings of Leon, Only By The Night
Best Track: MGMT, Time To Pretend
Best Live Event: Glastonbury 2008
Best Album Artwork: Muse, HAARP
Hero of the Yeat: Obama (go fig)
Villain of the Year: George W Bush (go fig)
Best Dressed: Alexa Chung
Worst Dressed: Amy Winehouse
Worst Album: The Jonas Brothers, A Little Bit Longer
Worst Band: The Jonas Brothers
Sexiest Male: Muse's Matt Bellamy (wait, what??)
Sexiest Female: Paramore's Hayley Williams
That's all for now, kids. I'll be back to discuss!
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Alexa Chung,
Hayley Williams,
Matt Bellamy,
The Cure,
The Killers
Monday, February 23, 2009
THE Tour Year
This is the year in which I tear up the tours! Yep. Traveling a lot in 2009.
May is going to be one of the busiest months, for sure. Sunday, May 5th I am heading to Poniac to rock with Franz Ferdinand. Monday is work, then Tuesday I head down to Columbus for some Killers lovin'. For a few weeks I will attack my finals (psh...s.i.m.p.l.e) before I head to Cleveland to make magical music love with Keane.
What?? It's only just about March???....lame.
Later this year I have plans to head to NYC, Tampa, FL, only to end it with Vegassss. While I'm there? Mucho music happenings.
I can't really explain how excited I am for this year. New music, amazing tours, and finsihing my B.A degree are all in store, and I'm mothereffing ecstaticccccc (who says that??...).
Kings Of Leon to come out with new album 2010
Keane announces N.American Tour (dur)
Yeah Yeah Yeah's out with new Zero
Bruce Springsteen headlining Glastonbury
Tis allll for now.
Starsailor Feat. Brandon Flowers Tell Me It's Not Over
Oh yeah.
May is going to be one of the busiest months, for sure. Sunday, May 5th I am heading to Poniac to rock with Franz Ferdinand. Monday is work, then Tuesday I head down to Columbus for some Killers lovin'. For a few weeks I will attack my finals (psh...s.i.m.p.l.e) before I head to Cleveland to make magical music love with Keane.
What?? It's only just about March???....lame.
Later this year I have plans to head to NYC, Tampa, FL, only to end it with Vegassss. While I'm there? Mucho music happenings.
I can't really explain how excited I am for this year. New music, amazing tours, and finsihing my B.A degree are all in store, and I'm mothereffing ecstaticccccc (who says that??...).
Kings Of Leon to come out with new album 2010
Keane announces N.American Tour (dur)
Yeah Yeah Yeah's out with new Zero
Bruce Springsteen headlining Glastonbury
Tis allll for now.
Starsailor Feat. Brandon Flowers Tell Me It's Not Over
Oh yeah.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Brandon Flowers,
Bruce Springsteen,
Kings of Leon,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Friday, February 20, 2009
Brit Awards 2009
The Brit Awards were Wednesday night, and I must say...why is the US slacking in the music department?? That's a whole nother post, I guess!
Anyway, here are your winners:
Duffy (biggest winner of the night!)- Best Album, Best British Female, Best British Breakthrough
Elbow- Best British Group
Iron Maiden- Best Live Group
Kanye West- Best International Male
Katy Perry- Best International Female
Kings Of Leon- Best International Group, Best International Album
Coldplay, nominated for 4 awards, went home with zipppppoooo, and my loves, The Killers, also went home empty handed. But I've learned to take award shows lightly. Whatev. Kings of Leon do rock my socks though.
And even though he didn't win anything, Brandon Flowers DID introduce the Outstanding Contribution to Music award to Pet Shop Boys where he later joined them for a medley along with good 'ol fashiontastic Lady GaGa:
After the awards, The Killers, Coldplay, Bono, and Gary Barlow got together to do a gig for War Child.
Epic. All. These. Things. That. I've. Done.
Freaking Bono...WTF, mate??? Otherwise, AMAZING!
Anyway, here are your winners:
Duffy (biggest winner of the night!)- Best Album, Best British Female, Best British Breakthrough
Elbow- Best British Group
Iron Maiden- Best Live Group
Kanye West- Best International Male
Katy Perry- Best International Female
Kings Of Leon- Best International Group, Best International Album
Coldplay, nominated for 4 awards, went home with zipppppoooo, and my loves, The Killers, also went home empty handed. But I've learned to take award shows lightly. Whatev. Kings of Leon do rock my socks though.
And even though he didn't win anything, Brandon Flowers DID introduce the Outstanding Contribution to Music award to Pet Shop Boys where he later joined them for a medley along with good 'ol fashiontastic Lady GaGa:
After the awards, The Killers, Coldplay, Bono, and Gary Barlow got together to do a gig for War Child.
Epic. All. These. Things. That. I've. Done.
Freaking Bono...WTF, mate??? Otherwise, AMAZING!
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Brandon Flowers,
Gary Barlow,
Kanye West,
Katy Perry,
Kings of Leon,
Pet Shop Boys,
The Killers
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
How alone can you FEEL, Franz??
Franz Ferdinand: Tonight
A Review
A Review
I have always seemed to have a "thing" for walking tempo songs. I actually realized this when I first heard "Take Me Out" by FF 6ish years ago. I am a sucker for the songs you can strut to, with the heavy/easy bass, and the forced snare and bass drum. Because of this reason, it's no surprise I have a "thing" for Franz Ferdinand. There is no mistaking their sound, meaning as soon as you hear the drum beat and the bass line, you know who you're dealing with. Alex's voice is just the icing on the cake.
This is no different with their new album, Tonight. More than half the songs, including No You Girls, Twilight Omens, Bite Hard, What She Came For, and Can't Stop Feeling have THAT sound; The Franz sound. If you are a fan of their first self titled album, you will fall in love with Tonight for theses reasons, and then some.
The flow of the album is simple and well put together...with the exception of the first track, Ulysses. In just about every song, Alex makes us feel his longing, his loss, and his undying love for someone who thinks nothing of the same...except Ulysses. They are bored, they want to get high (they found a new way). From then on it's dirty works on calculators, flirting with the girls, longing and dreaming of what once was, and reaching out to one Katherine.
Which brings me to one of my favorite pieces about the album. We hear "No You Girls", (you know, one of them walking tempo, dancetastic, clap with me types that I LOVE). it feels like the boys are out on a crazy, club filled night, out with women, watching them, wanting them, before they realize that boys really don't always care how a girl feels. We go through some dreams, and then at the end, we are RE introduced to a more clam, lovely "No You Girls". However, this time, Alex is alone. He is thinking and wishing for the ONE Katherine to some day understand his love for her...she just doesn't understand how the boy feels. Almost like a "Julia" by Lennon(though minus the mom thing).
It's a story, when put all together (except for...Ulysses). And a beautiful one. Though,I must admit my LOVE for the original version of Lucid Dreams (maybe with the ravetastic ending of the new one added on to it). Aside from that, it's fun, it's sad, it's sexy, and you will love it.
Ulysses: Probably the most popular single from this album. It's the only one that doesn't seem to fit with the rest, so it's good that it's at the beginning. It's about finding a new way to be unbored...let's get hiiiigh. It's alright.
Turn It On: The beginning of their "love" story. He forgives, and forgives, and can't stop thinking of her...but it doesn't seem like she agrees. It's beat is simple, like the chorus. One of the more forgettable tracks, but still good.
No You Girls: This is the audience participation track. Clap it UP! Probably the sexiest song, and the most mind altering one. He goes on about how girls don't know how they make boys feel until he realizes that...well...boys don't care how girls feel. Walking. Tempo.
Send Him Away: One of my favorites lyrically. As far as the music goes, their European roots come out, which is something I wish America would embrace. Love it.
Twilight Omens: One of the least Franzlikeish songs. But that's not a bad thing! Change is good. Also one of my favorite lyrically. It also reminds me of good 80's stuff. The Talking Heads come to mind.
Bite Hard: My first favorite of the album (aside from Lucid Dreams orig.). You don't know what to expect in the beginning...then all the sudden walking tempo GALORE! (Honest). Fav.
What She Came For: Another audience love, I'm sure. "WHOA/LOOK OUT!" Hard beat, download it.
Live Alone: One of the stressed points in the album. He wants to live alone, and doesn't mind it. Put this with The Killers "Joy Ride" and we have a new wave of disco coming on.
Can't Stop Feeling: Another new kind of sound from Franz. And like the former, it's a good thing. Another dancy, sexy, smoky song. Mmmmmmohyeaaahhhh
Lucid Dreams:...umm...I miss the original. This one seems out of wack, but maybe I have a bias. I love the random ending. Full of synth and rave! Put THAT at the end of the original, and you have orgasmic music making.
Dream Again: They slow it down, finally. Well, it's the end of the album, so it fits. Lyrically, great. You can hear how much they have matured in 4 years (...let's not take that long again! We missed you...!)
Katherine Kiss Me: Reintroduced to No You girls, but it's much more intimate. It's the first time a girls name has been mentioned in this love story, which makes you really feel for him. Katherine, KISS HIM for God's sake!
I say 4/5 Staaarrrzzz
Download: No You Girls/Bite Hard/What She Came For/Can't Stop Feeling
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Anticipation: Albums of 2009
To go along with this weeks pollllllllllllllll, here's the list of some shweet artists coming out with new albums this fantastical year of 2009:
Franz Ferdinand
Green Day
Animal Collective
Anthony and the Johnsons
Tokio Hotel
Dave Matthews Band
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
White Lies
The Enemy
The Strokes
The Arctic Monkeys
The Cribs
Depeche Mode
The Prodigy
Patick Wolf
No Doubt
Also, rumors about Weezer, Muse, Sex Pistols and posssssiiiibbbllly My Chemical Romance.
Me? What do I think??
Thanks for asking.
Franz, Muse, Weezer, Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs , No Doubt all the way!
Greenday...not so much. Over it.
Franz Ferdinand
Green Day
Animal Collective
Anthony and the Johnsons
Tokio Hotel
Dave Matthews Band
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
White Lies
The Enemy
The Strokes
The Arctic Monkeys
The Cribs
Depeche Mode
The Prodigy
Patick Wolf
No Doubt
Also, rumors about Weezer, Muse, Sex Pistols and posssssiiiibbbllly My Chemical Romance.
Me? What do I think??
Thanks for asking.
Franz, Muse, Weezer, Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs , No Doubt all the way!
Greenday...not so much. Over it.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Depeche Mode,
Franz Ferdinand,
Patrick Wolfe,
The Arctic Monkeys,
The Enemy,
The Prodigy,
The Strokes,
Tokio Hotel,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Monday, February 9, 2009
Ain't Supposed To Die On A Saturday Night...
Okay, so old news. But it's worth posting.
The '59 Sound -The Gaslight Anthem
So there's obviously much Bruce influence here (oh how well this transitions from my last entry...), but that's not a bad thing. Bruce with a newer twist.
And the more and more I hear this song, and the more and more I listen to this album...the more I want to rock out.
These guys have major potential. Mark my words here, people! Mark them. Right now.
They are coming to Detroit this Spring and, not gonna lie,...I think I'm going.
The '59 Sound -The Gaslight Anthem
So there's obviously much Bruce influence here (oh how well this transitions from my last entry...), but that's not a bad thing. Bruce with a newer twist.
And the more and more I hear this song, and the more and more I listen to this album...the more I want to rock out.
These guys have major potential. Mark my words here, people! Mark them. Right now.
They are coming to Detroit this Spring and, not gonna lie,...I think I'm going.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The '59 Sound,
The Gaslight Anthem
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Brandon Flowers; Our Generations Bruce
So here is the link to an article discussing the need for our generation to recognize new bands, and giving Brandon the title of our "Boss".
I got this from The Victims site, which is The Killers official fan club, and I was surprised at the reaction by many of the Victims. A lot of them really disliked the comparison on Brandon to Bruce, but they were missing the writers point.
For one, no where in the article does the writer actually say that Brandon Flowers is equal to Bruce Springsteen. This whole article is about what my blog is trying to be about; the fact that new rock music is being missed out on, ignored. Our future "classics"...what are they going to be? If we play our cards right, and give notice and credit to our generations rock music, it WILL be songs by The Killers, Coldplay, Keane, Kings of Leon, Franz Ferdinand, etc...
But we are MISSING IT.
I think fans of The Killers still have the critics words about Sam's Town in mind when they read this article, which is not what he's doing. Critics compared Sam's Town to a Springsteen album, which I always hated, for sure. When You Were Young may have a Born To Run sound to it, but no other song on that album sounds Bruceish. Sam's Town is unlike any other album out there, and I agree with Flowers when he said it is one the the greats of the past 20 years (which he got slammed for. Well, he's right, so SHUT IT). For that to CONSTANTLY be compared to Springsteen was ridiculous. I think that critics were too busy reading other critics' reviews to really listen to Sam's Town, and see it's uniqueness and it's genius.
But this article isn't doing that. The writer asks, "Who's our generations Springsteen?", not "Who is equivalent to Springsteen?". He says Brandon wants to be one of the greats in rock and roll, and that The Killers aim to be one of the biggest bands, which is no secret to any music fan. How many times have you heard The Killers say that exact thing? All the writer is doing is lining up our generations musical greats, naming Brandon Flowers as one of them.
I think he's right. We will see Brandon Flowers (and hopefully The Killers!) for years and years to come. Brandon has such a passion for music that makes him unable to stop making great music, and I really don't see that happening any time soon. Brandon will make music until he dies, I'm pretty sure, and I only hope that's the truth. A lot of "pop" bands like Nickleback, and Buck Cherry are missing A LOT. They aren't going to be here for the Super Bowl 30 years from now, promise. They don't have what The Killers have when it comes to song writing. I always like The Beatles and The Who, etc. for a long long time, afraid that no bands of my generation could measure up to their greatness. Then I heard Hot Fuss and Sam's Town, and found a new radio station.
There ARE greats out there, we are just missing them. The writer is trying to make people acknowledge that, is all. He is NOT comparing Brandon Flowers to Bruce Springsteen. He is comparing what Brandon is about to what Bruce has always been about; a great love for making music, and being great about it, and one who is not afraid to go out there and push it on you.
It's a complement. And it's a shame that us fans had to hear the comparisons of The Killers to Bruce Springsteen when it came to Sam's Town that we missed the point of what this writer is trying to say.
So I say, he's right. Brandon Flowers is one of our generation's greats, and I can't wait to see what he has to say when my kids and I sit down and watch the Pre Game show for the Super Bowl 30 years from now.
I got this from The Victims site, which is The Killers official fan club, and I was surprised at the reaction by many of the Victims. A lot of them really disliked the comparison on Brandon to Bruce, but they were missing the writers point.
For one, no where in the article does the writer actually say that Brandon Flowers is equal to Bruce Springsteen. This whole article is about what my blog is trying to be about; the fact that new rock music is being missed out on, ignored. Our future "classics"...what are they going to be? If we play our cards right, and give notice and credit to our generations rock music, it WILL be songs by The Killers, Coldplay, Keane, Kings of Leon, Franz Ferdinand, etc...
But we are MISSING IT.
I think fans of The Killers still have the critics words about Sam's Town in mind when they read this article, which is not what he's doing. Critics compared Sam's Town to a Springsteen album, which I always hated, for sure. When You Were Young may have a Born To Run sound to it, but no other song on that album sounds Bruceish. Sam's Town is unlike any other album out there, and I agree with Flowers when he said it is one the the greats of the past 20 years (which he got slammed for. Well, he's right, so SHUT IT). For that to CONSTANTLY be compared to Springsteen was ridiculous. I think that critics were too busy reading other critics' reviews to really listen to Sam's Town, and see it's uniqueness and it's genius.
But this article isn't doing that. The writer asks, "Who's our generations Springsteen?", not "Who is equivalent to Springsteen?". He says Brandon wants to be one of the greats in rock and roll, and that The Killers aim to be one of the biggest bands, which is no secret to any music fan. How many times have you heard The Killers say that exact thing? All the writer is doing is lining up our generations musical greats, naming Brandon Flowers as one of them.
I think he's right. We will see Brandon Flowers (and hopefully The Killers!) for years and years to come. Brandon has such a passion for music that makes him unable to stop making great music, and I really don't see that happening any time soon. Brandon will make music until he dies, I'm pretty sure, and I only hope that's the truth. A lot of "pop" bands like Nickleback, and Buck Cherry are missing A LOT. They aren't going to be here for the Super Bowl 30 years from now, promise. They don't have what The Killers have when it comes to song writing. I always like The Beatles and The Who, etc. for a long long time, afraid that no bands of my generation could measure up to their greatness. Then I heard Hot Fuss and Sam's Town, and found a new radio station.
There ARE greats out there, we are just missing them. The writer is trying to make people acknowledge that, is all. He is NOT comparing Brandon Flowers to Bruce Springsteen. He is comparing what Brandon is about to what Bruce has always been about; a great love for making music, and being great about it, and one who is not afraid to go out there and push it on you.
It's a complement. And it's a shame that us fans had to hear the comparisons of The Killers to Bruce Springsteen when it came to Sam's Town that we missed the point of what this writer is trying to say.
So I say, he's right. Brandon Flowers is one of our generation's greats, and I can't wait to see what he has to say when my kids and I sit down and watch the Pre Game show for the Super Bowl 30 years from now.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Brandon Flowers,
Bruce Springsteen,
The Killers
Friday, February 6, 2009
Kiiiiiim and Jeesssieee
So I don't have much time before I get ready for good ol work! But I thought I would leave you with noteworthy amazingly amazing songs that you should download...if you don't have go ahead, RIGHT NOW!
Stop -Against Me !
Daylight -Matt & Kim
Kim and Jessie -M83 (anyone who saw The Killers in concert recently knows this song. Yeah, okay)
The '59 Sound -The Gaslight Anthem
Well!! I said download!
What do ya think? You love it!? I knew you would.
Stop -Against Me !
Daylight -Matt & Kim
Kim and Jessie -M83 (anyone who saw The Killers in concert recently knows this song. Yeah, okay)
The '59 Sound -The Gaslight Anthem
Well!! I said download!
What do ya think? You love it!? I knew you would.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Against Me,
Matt and Kim,
The Gaslight Anthem
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Oh Oh Oooh Oh Oh OOHHH!
I think it's only right that I start the blog off with a Killers music video:
It's their new video, "Spaceman", directed by . He's somewhat of a new comer in the video world, only having directed a few videos for other bands such as MGMT. He also premiered his student thesis film, "Death to the Tinman" at the Sundance Film Festival in 2007.
When I first saw it, I was so excited that a new video was out. When it was over, I had mixed feelings. I thought the band could have been in it more...and that I really had no idea what the hell was going on. But after a few min., I realized that that's what MOST Killers videos are about. They don't make videos based on the song (except "Mr. Brightside") because they don't want to make the song something it's not. They want their listeners to make the song their own, and have it's meaning be whatever they choose....even if the song really does sound like the man's being abducted by aliens...anyway...
After seeing it again...and again even, I have pretty much fallen in love with it. It's incredibly RANDOM, and who doesn't love that!? The thought that went into each character, and ever movement was obviously well planned out, and only by genius. Who else would think of something like that? I have much respect for people with talents and memorable imaginations.
I also feel the loneliness that Brandon's character is going through throughout the video. I mean, who would want to go through all of THAT?? In the dark...with strange...backward things walking around...even if it is a party.
So, I say 3.5 out of 5 stars. I've seen better ("All These Things..." and "When You Were Young" are hard acts to follow), but there's something about that 2nd or 3rd screening that makes you want to dance in space...
It's their new video, "Spaceman", directed by . He's somewhat of a new comer in the video world, only having directed a few videos for other bands such as MGMT. He also premiered his student thesis film, "Death to the Tinman" at the Sundance Film Festival in 2007.
When I first saw it, I was so excited that a new video was out. When it was over, I had mixed feelings. I thought the band could have been in it more...and that I really had no idea what the hell was going on. But after a few min., I realized that that's what MOST Killers videos are about. They don't make videos based on the song (except "Mr. Brightside") because they don't want to make the song something it's not. They want their listeners to make the song their own, and have it's meaning be whatever they choose....even if the song really does sound like the man's being abducted by aliens...anyway...
After seeing it again...and again even, I have pretty much fallen in love with it. It's incredibly RANDOM, and who doesn't love that!? The thought that went into each character, and ever movement was obviously well planned out, and only by genius. Who else would think of something like that? I have much respect for people with talents and memorable imaginations.
I also feel the loneliness that Brandon's character is going through throughout the video. I mean, who would want to go through all of THAT?? In the dark...with strange...backward things walking around...even if it is a party.
So, I say 3.5 out of 5 stars. I've seen better ("All These Things..." and "When You Were Young" are hard acts to follow), but there's something about that 2nd or 3rd screening that makes you want to dance in space...
If the music is the victim, than so am I
The Killers
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
When I Was Young
I think it's only appropriate to start a music blog by blogging about my own first music experiences. Yes? No? Okay.
I was one of those fortunate kids to have a parent with a great passion for music. My dad is always blarring different albums from his stereo, and that hasn't changed since I've been born. I grew up listening to all the classics, like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who. He introduced to other greats like John Hiatt, Bob Dylan, The Talking Heads, and Steely Dan. When I was younger than 10, I knew the words Lennon and McCartney wrote together, and was dancing with my little sister to the stories Hiatt would swoon about. When I was about 5, Michael Jackson danced into my life, and I was HOOKED! I taped every music video, I had the glove and the hat, and I made my own microphone stand. Yeah that's right. Billy Jean had nothin on me. What happened to you...
I loved music since I can remember, and it's not stopping anytime soon.
By the time I was in elementary school, I was given my first portable CD played (how awesome were THOSE!). I never went one night without listening to the few CD's I had before I went to sleep(at this time I had a few Beatles and a Dave Matthews Band album), and popped a new one in before I headed out for school. In Middle School, my CD player was everywhere I was. My mom must have spent a fortune on batteries. My CD collection grew, and so did my knowlegde on all these amazing bands.
In Middle School, I knew everything you ever wanted to know about The Beatles. I read all the books (hell, I OWNED all the books), I read up on them on the internet (I loved days off!), and I knew the words to every song inside out. I gave facts away at school to people who could probably care less, but that didn't matter. My first Viynl was a Beatles '65 original, and it's hanging up in my room with the rest of them right now. I just couldn't get enough.
It seemed every year my dad had something new for me to listen to. It wasn't long before I was rockin to David Bowie, Janes Addiction, U2, and Peter Gabriel. I would come home from school, grab a notepad, a pen, and my CD player and write notes, stories, poems, drawing while listening to Gabriels SO. I felt like I was the only one of my age who didn't care for Britany, Christina, The Spice Girls on NSYNC (I must admit, I did have a thing for BSB. I saw them in concert with my neighbor and it was awesome, okay??). I loved my rock music, but didn't really know that rock bands of that time even existed. I was pretty much convinced by my mother that the only radio stations that existed were pop music one's. So I listened, and I would record songs on a tape from the radio when the good one's came on. But one day, on a trip home from Cedar Point with my fellow choir members (I was in choir and heavily into theatre when I was young. I miss it sometimes, still...) when I heard 89X, a Detriot alternative rock station. I had no idea who any of the bands were, and was amazed at the fact that rock bands existed today...!?! What?!? I programmed that in my mom's car.
And then, the iPod. I am a firm believe that the iPod has changed my life. My boyfriend had given me an iPod for graduation, and it never left me! That is, until it got stolen, but I would just get another...and then that one was stolen...and a new boyfriend got me another which I still own!
All of my albums on one little device! I could take it anywhere and it wouldn't skip! It was music everyday, almost all day for Chelsie. When I couldn't listen to that, I tried getting on the new alternative rock band wagon to figure out who all these people were.
It wasn't long before I owned Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, Keane, and Coldplay. The my first Killers Album: Hot Fuss. My parents and I went to the mall, and I knew I wanted it, even though I thought Somebody Told Me was...weird...but something drew me in, and I had to have it. Oh My God, what a freaking delight. Everysong was played on repeate on the way home, and my dad even burned it for himself when we got home. It was Mr. B and On Top everyday for a very long mom loved that.
I thought, FINALLY, a new band that is AMAZING! I was worried for a while, that most of these bands were just mediocre compared to the greats, but The Killers were an exception. Their music was different than everyone else's, and the lyrics were actually...created...not just thrown together. Gosh, I loved them...
As time grew, I got to know every band on 89X. Myspace came around, and though I had vowed FOREVER NOT to get one, I gave in. The best part about it was the music. I could browse new music I had never heard before, and it was amazing. Many of the bands I like today I found on Myspace.
I had never been much of a concert goer, mainly because not many of my friends were that into music (or at least the bands that were touring). I had seen 38 special when i was little, and a few local bands before (some of my friends were in bands, too, which I was always jealous of). My boyfriend and my best friends boyfriend made a band together, finally. Thet played a lot of classic rock, and practiced in my friends garage. They had a lot of gigs, and it was an amazing time! My boyfriend sang, and hers played guitar. They had a drummer, who was awesome, a young bass player, and an organ player. We had some really great times, for sure. Holly and I even took part....but I think our Canadian Boys Choir impressions weren't exactly what they were looking for for some reason...whatever.
But time passed. They broke up...WE broke up...and we found new loves. Sam's Town came out, and I listened to that non stop...well since today. The place I worked at let me conrtol the music and I ALWAYS had Sam's Town in the player. No one complained, and I got some people into serious Killer love. I had to see them.
May of 2007, 5 of us went to see The Killers at the Fox Theatre in Detriot. Though I had been first in line to buy tickets, our seats were seperated into 2 groups, and way in the balcony...but we didn't care. The venue is AMAZING, and perfect for Sam's Town. The concert started, and I was somewhere else....I was IN Sam's Town...for about 2 hours. I couldn't beleive Brandon was right there. Ronnie! Dave!Mark! The balcony shook, and I never sat down, and couldn't understand the people who were. I yelled every word, and forgot about life for a while. The experience was like nothing else. We were all there, together, for the same reason. We all had something great in common, and felt that same love together. Amazing.
Since then, I have seen The Killers one more time. This time, I had signed up for The Victims, the fan club for The Killers, months before their tour started. I got floor seats for their show at EMU in Ypsi, MI, and it was just my boyfriend and I. We got there amazingly early, and waited 3 hours in freezing cold temperatures, but it was worth it. No balcony for us, it was front row, barrier standing! I can not describe the DIFFERENCE that makes! I tooka lot of pictures, fell in love again, got lost in the music, and felt such a rush as never before. Ahhhhh I can't wait until May. I see them again.
So that's how it started. I'm sure I missed some milestones...but that's the jist. I can't thank my dad enough, really, for his influence. My collection grows more every month, and I'm here to share. I really beleive there's a new Rock Revolution going on right now, and it's sad that people in America are MISSING IT! So I'm doing my part in educating you people.
Rock out.
wow I wrote a lot...
I was one of those fortunate kids to have a parent with a great passion for music. My dad is always blarring different albums from his stereo, and that hasn't changed since I've been born. I grew up listening to all the classics, like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who. He introduced to other greats like John Hiatt, Bob Dylan, The Talking Heads, and Steely Dan. When I was younger than 10, I knew the words Lennon and McCartney wrote together, and was dancing with my little sister to the stories Hiatt would swoon about. When I was about 5, Michael Jackson danced into my life, and I was HOOKED! I taped every music video, I had the glove and the hat, and I made my own microphone stand. Yeah that's right. Billy Jean had nothin on me. What happened to you...
I loved music since I can remember, and it's not stopping anytime soon.
By the time I was in elementary school, I was given my first portable CD played (how awesome were THOSE!). I never went one night without listening to the few CD's I had before I went to sleep(at this time I had a few Beatles and a Dave Matthews Band album), and popped a new one in before I headed out for school. In Middle School, my CD player was everywhere I was. My mom must have spent a fortune on batteries. My CD collection grew, and so did my knowlegde on all these amazing bands.
In Middle School, I knew everything you ever wanted to know about The Beatles. I read all the books (hell, I OWNED all the books), I read up on them on the internet (I loved days off!), and I knew the words to every song inside out. I gave facts away at school to people who could probably care less, but that didn't matter. My first Viynl was a Beatles '65 original, and it's hanging up in my room with the rest of them right now. I just couldn't get enough.
It seemed every year my dad had something new for me to listen to. It wasn't long before I was rockin to David Bowie, Janes Addiction, U2, and Peter Gabriel. I would come home from school, grab a notepad, a pen, and my CD player and write notes, stories, poems, drawing while listening to Gabriels SO. I felt like I was the only one of my age who didn't care for Britany, Christina, The Spice Girls on NSYNC (I must admit, I did have a thing for BSB. I saw them in concert with my neighbor and it was awesome, okay??). I loved my rock music, but didn't really know that rock bands of that time even existed. I was pretty much convinced by my mother that the only radio stations that existed were pop music one's. So I listened, and I would record songs on a tape from the radio when the good one's came on. But one day, on a trip home from Cedar Point with my fellow choir members (I was in choir and heavily into theatre when I was young. I miss it sometimes, still...) when I heard 89X, a Detriot alternative rock station. I had no idea who any of the bands were, and was amazed at the fact that rock bands existed today...!?! What?!? I programmed that in my mom's car.
And then, the iPod. I am a firm believe that the iPod has changed my life. My boyfriend had given me an iPod for graduation, and it never left me! That is, until it got stolen, but I would just get another...and then that one was stolen...and a new boyfriend got me another which I still own!
All of my albums on one little device! I could take it anywhere and it wouldn't skip! It was music everyday, almost all day for Chelsie. When I couldn't listen to that, I tried getting on the new alternative rock band wagon to figure out who all these people were.
It wasn't long before I owned Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, Keane, and Coldplay. The my first Killers Album: Hot Fuss. My parents and I went to the mall, and I knew I wanted it, even though I thought Somebody Told Me was...weird...but something drew me in, and I had to have it. Oh My God, what a freaking delight. Everysong was played on repeate on the way home, and my dad even burned it for himself when we got home. It was Mr. B and On Top everyday for a very long mom loved that.
I thought, FINALLY, a new band that is AMAZING! I was worried for a while, that most of these bands were just mediocre compared to the greats, but The Killers were an exception. Their music was different than everyone else's, and the lyrics were actually...created...not just thrown together. Gosh, I loved them...
As time grew, I got to know every band on 89X. Myspace came around, and though I had vowed FOREVER NOT to get one, I gave in. The best part about it was the music. I could browse new music I had never heard before, and it was amazing. Many of the bands I like today I found on Myspace.
I had never been much of a concert goer, mainly because not many of my friends were that into music (or at least the bands that were touring). I had seen 38 special when i was little, and a few local bands before (some of my friends were in bands, too, which I was always jealous of). My boyfriend and my best friends boyfriend made a band together, finally. Thet played a lot of classic rock, and practiced in my friends garage. They had a lot of gigs, and it was an amazing time! My boyfriend sang, and hers played guitar. They had a drummer, who was awesome, a young bass player, and an organ player. We had some really great times, for sure. Holly and I even took part....but I think our Canadian Boys Choir impressions weren't exactly what they were looking for for some reason...whatever.
But time passed. They broke up...WE broke up...and we found new loves. Sam's Town came out, and I listened to that non stop...well since today. The place I worked at let me conrtol the music and I ALWAYS had Sam's Town in the player. No one complained, and I got some people into serious Killer love. I had to see them.
May of 2007, 5 of us went to see The Killers at the Fox Theatre in Detriot. Though I had been first in line to buy tickets, our seats were seperated into 2 groups, and way in the balcony...but we didn't care. The venue is AMAZING, and perfect for Sam's Town. The concert started, and I was somewhere else....I was IN Sam's Town...for about 2 hours. I couldn't beleive Brandon was right there. Ronnie! Dave!Mark! The balcony shook, and I never sat down, and couldn't understand the people who were. I yelled every word, and forgot about life for a while. The experience was like nothing else. We were all there, together, for the same reason. We all had something great in common, and felt that same love together. Amazing.
Since then, I have seen The Killers one more time. This time, I had signed up for The Victims, the fan club for The Killers, months before their tour started. I got floor seats for their show at EMU in Ypsi, MI, and it was just my boyfriend and I. We got there amazingly early, and waited 3 hours in freezing cold temperatures, but it was worth it. No balcony for us, it was front row, barrier standing! I can not describe the DIFFERENCE that makes! I tooka lot of pictures, fell in love again, got lost in the music, and felt such a rush as never before. Ahhhhh I can't wait until May. I see them again.
So that's how it started. I'm sure I missed some milestones...but that's the jist. I can't thank my dad enough, really, for his influence. My collection grows more every month, and I'm here to share. I really beleive there's a new Rock Revolution going on right now, and it's sad that people in America are MISSING IT! So I'm doing my part in educating you people.
Rock out.
wow I wrote a lot...
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Franz Ferdinand,
Modest Mouse,
Peter Gabriel,
The Beatles,
The Killers,
The Rolling Stones,
The Who
In The Beginning...
So I've done it. I have a xanga, and even another blog...but here is the beginning of what could be border line obsession; the Rock Blog. I have been meaning to do this for a while now, but them good ol things like class and work seem to get in the way.
But not tonight!
Tonight I start my own Sweet Talk.
My mission? To rock the rock blogs, and your socks (and perhaps quiver your liver at the same time!).
I have a list started of music I love, but of course that's just a smaaaalll dose of my music loves. You'll hear a lot about The Killers, no doubt, but I'm in a pretty amazing Kings of Leon, Joy Division, and Muse groove right now WATCH OUT!
...I be bloggin.
But not tonight!
Tonight I start my own Sweet Talk.
My mission? To rock the rock blogs, and your socks (and perhaps quiver your liver at the same time!).
I have a list started of music I love, but of course that's just a smaaaalll dose of my music loves. You'll hear a lot about The Killers, no doubt, but I'm in a pretty amazing Kings of Leon, Joy Division, and Muse groove right now WATCH OUT!
...I be bloggin.
If the music is the victim, than so am I
Joy Division,
Kings of Leon,
The Killers
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