MUSE's new album, "The Resistance" was released here in the U.S yesterday...and much speeding began. The album is so amazingly diverse (as are most Muse albums), so I am going to review the epicness one song at a time. Finally will come my overall rating...and I think we all know how that is going to end up.
Let's get this started, yes?
1. UPRISING (5:03)
The first single off the new album made me a little nervous at first. It has the rock, the synth, and the drama that other Muse songs hold...but it just...repeated. Of course, I immediately downloaded it anyway, but after listening about 501 times, I would skip to the next song after the first minuet. What was going on? Well, I still had faith that the rest of the album would be amazing.
But the more and more I listen to it, the more things I hear and the better it becomes. The build up to the second chorus, synth climbing included, has become my favorite part. And that mid song solo? It starts out small, and ends with an "IN YOUR FACE!" rockness.
I am making up a lot of words here.
I then watched Muse perform on the MTV VMA's (which was the only thing worth watching. Might I also add that I am extremely frustrated that OTHER circumstances that the VMA's shadowed really great acts. Muse is hardly mentioned even though their set was the best of the night. Yeah.)
The boys played "Uprising", and the question I used to have for the song completely disappeared. You have to see these guys live. I would bet it may very well be the best night of my life.
So now when I listen to "Uprising", I hear that synth build up, the fun dance-tastic tempo, and turn it up at that mid song solo...and everyone moves along.
And have I mentioned the lyrics?
"So come on
Rise up and take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
They know that their time's coming to an end
Unify and watch our flag ascend"
GET IT, PEOPLE. At least someone does.
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