2. Resistance (5:47)
If you enjoy yourself some George Orwell "1984", chances are you will appreciate this track. The lyrics and the sound pretty much some up the relationships in that story, and manage to epxress the feeling one has while reading the book. Seeing as that is one of my favorite books...I dig the song. Oh, I dig it a lot.
The beginning is almost misleading. The song is one of the most diverse on the entire album, so though the track opens with an eeire, dark synth sound (that synth is MASSIVE, by the way. It's almost creepy watching the man play it), it rises to more than the slow, dream-like Muse we all know and love.
This is the perfect song to follow "Uprising". In the beginning, we felt the sense of rebellion, and had that whole "WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT" feel. Now we have the sense that something went wrong with that plan, and now we need a new one. Though Bellamy narrates the story with some sadness, there is still hope!
"Love is our Resistance/Keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down/Hold me, or lips must always be sealed"
The love story continues, with racing tempos and chillling harmonies all the way up until the climax gets our hopes and rebellion up again...only to end back where we started; That eerie synth. You know, the one that leaves you with goosebumps (does anyone say "goose pimples" anymore? Gross.).
Like "Uprising", Bellamy is trying to tell us something. He's not going to take it anymore, dammit, and neither am I! What that is, you decide, but I think I have a pretty good idea.
Musically, everyone does their part, and well. Matt Bellamy (vocals/guitar/synth) has spot on lyrics, heart wrenching vocals, and that unmistakable guitar riff. Dom Howard (drums) plays those 16ths like his life depended on it, and gets the listener going every time. But I think it is Christopher Wolstenholme's bass that makes me fall in love. VIVA LA BASS!
So to sum up: eerie synth, diverse song, spot on lyrics, holy bass guitar!, 1984, thank you, Muse.
Rating: 4/5
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