Friday, April 10, 2009

El Video

Here it be.
I have a backup plan if needed, but it seems to be doing well so far! Let me know,people!

I can't stress enough how amazing this would be. This band has been a huge part of my life, and as cliche as the sounds, it's the truth. No other band get's me going like The Killers. I thought all hope for rock was lost when I was in high school until I heard "Somebody Told Me" for the first time. Their albums are like soundtracks to my growing up, and I'll never forget that.
That, and they fucking ROCK live! MY GOD, they put on a show.

Following them and sharing my experience with the rest of the world .... perfect. Dear LORD, I would LOVE this chance!

Okay, nuff o' that. I can save my Killers dedication another for another day.

That's all for now. Homework, work, class, and this vide have been consuming my every second.

Thanks, loves.

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