Monday, January 4, 2010

2000: Songs of Too Little Simple Yellow Bathwater and Stronger Hooks

Okay, so it is now the new decade, friends, which means it's time to remember the goodness that was the last decade. Yep, we are now in the ..."10's"...the "pre-teens", maybe? So let's make some memories of those songs from the new millennium 2000 to the last HU-RAH! of 2009. And here. we. GO.


"Hate To Say I Told You So" -The Hives

I really don't feel like I need to say anything more. Who in their pre-teens (or even after, I suppose!) did NOT love a good IN YO FACE!, rock out!, heavyguitarrifftastic song to jump around to? Yeah, we all loved it. And The Hives continue to rock it out just as well as they did 10 years ago, and we thank them for it.

"Too Little Too Late" -Barenaked Ladies

May dad, having a huge influence on my music choices, brought these guys to my attention early in life. And though I was weary of the band name...I couldn't deny the fun the music brought. Nope, they aren't deep or music GODS or anything, but these guys have a friendly, good-time spirit about them. And so does this song.
"Too Little To Late" is the opening track to the bands album "Maroon", and is full of dance worthy, "WOO" shouting, hand clapping goodness. It's not a complicated song, but as you will see in a majority of my list, simplicity is a highlight. It's easy to dance to, easy to sing along, and gets your feet moving. Most songs with hand claps are sure winners. Audience participation FTW.

"Bathwater" -No Doubt

Once again, my dad sends me the good music. I had liked No Doubt since I was wee little, thanks to him, so when Return to Saturn came out in 2000, I already knew what was coming. Sort of. Other songs from this album will show up later in this list, but "Bathwater" is one of those poppy, funtosingalong songs. It has it all. Stomp!a!ble!drumbeats!, fun lyrics ("My pregnant mid is fat full with envy again"), vintagey horns, and Gwen. It's one you can even kick line to, if you wanted.

I can't help it, it's my kind of song.
....okay, I'm done.

"Stronger" -Brittany Spears
Do not deny it. You do have Brittany (bitch) in your iPod. And if you don't now, you had some mix CD, or just her whole album, in your portable CD player in 2000. I was never a huge fan, and certainly am not at this point...except for this song. I like the lyrics, I like the danciness, I like the buildup (I'm a sucker for build ups). And yes, I still have it "checked" on my iTunes. So there. It's a good song. Go ahead, and listen.

"Off The Hook" -Barnaked Ladies
Yes, again. But this one is actually semi-more serious. It's about a cheater and no one likes them. Nope. I played this one on repeat quite a bit back in the day, not quite understanding the meaning. But it had a grasp on you somehow, and left you thinking. One of their finer songs, absolutely.

****You know, as I think about it, just get Maroon. It really does have quite a lot of good quality songs, with a wide variety of style. Most bands have a certain sound, or idea that they go for in an album, but Maroon has everything from hilarious, to satire to WTF?, to lonely. Many of those songs would make this list, so go on and just listen to them all. Okay, moving on...

"Simple Kind of Life" -No Doubt

One of the singles from Return to Saturn, "Simple Kind Of Life" is one for the famous. And though I was never famous, I loved Gwen and the gang. It's another "simple" song, and it is one about heartache, tough decisions, and longing -everything that pop song art is about. But regardless, the guys still rock out, and Gwen pours her heart out. Gosh, I love them. (Also a great album. Get it all.).

"Walk On" and "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" -U2

I really remember getting ready for school in the morning and watching music videos on MTV and VH1. These videos were ALWAYS on, and I always loved them. A little bit of sadness, and a little bit of hope. And it's U2. Not a bad way to start of the day.

"Yellow" -Coldplay

I think we knew this was coming. I'm not sure of many people who don't like this song. Sure, it was played like crazy, but regardless, there is still no denying how lovely this song it. It comes from Coldplay's debut album, Parachutes, and hearing the album now, I think they knew exactly how big they would be in the next 10 years. We were introduced to one of the biggest names in rock and pop music with this song, and all around the world, girls hoped boys would write songs like this for them. Chris, you set the standard.

And of course...we cannot forget:

"Blue (Da Ba Dee" -Eiffel 65
"I Try" -Macy Gray
"Who Let The Dog's Out" Bah Ha Men

Oh, how music has changed. As well as my CD collection. Or digital collection...

So there it is. The beginning of the decade and the music it brought. Really, this list could have gone on and on, and I know I left some amazing things out. But it's what I was about when I was just turning into a teenager, and no matter how odd my choices may have been, they all lead me to the music I love today. Next year to follow....

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