I think it's only appropriate to start a music blog by blogging about my own first music experiences. Yes? No? Okay.
I was one of those fortunate kids to have a parent with a great passion for music. My dad is always blarring different albums from his stereo, and that hasn't changed since I've been born. I grew up listening to all the classics, like
The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and
The Who. He introduced to other greats like
John Hiatt,
Bob Dylan,
The Talking Heads, and Steely Dan. When I was younger than 10, I knew the words
Lennon and McCartney wrote together, and was dancing with my little sister to the stories Hiatt would swoon about. When I was about 5,
Michael Jackson danced into my life, and I was HOOKED! I taped every music video, I had the glove and the hat, and I made my own microphone stand. Yeah that's right.
Billy Jean had nothin on me. What happened to you...
I loved music since I can remember, and it's not stopping anytime soon.
By the time I was in elementary school, I was given my first portable CD played (how awesome were THOSE!). I never went one night without listening to the few CD's I had before I went to sleep(at this time I had a few
Beatles and a
Dave Matthews Band album), and popped a new one in before I headed out for school. In Middle School, my CD player was everywhere I was. My mom must have spent a fortune on batteries. My CD collection grew, and so did my knowlegde on all these amazing bands.
In Middle School, I knew everything you ever wanted to know about
The Beatles. I read all the books (hell, I OWNED all the books), I read up on them on the internet (I loved days off!), and I knew the words to every song inside out. I gave facts away at school to people who could probably care less, but that didn't matter. My first Viynl was a
Beatles '65 original, and it's hanging up in my room with the rest of them right now. I just couldn't get enough.
It seemed every year my dad had something new for me to listen to. It wasn't long before I was rockin to
David Bowie, Janes Addiction, U2, and
Peter Gabriel. I would come home from school, grab a notepad, a pen, and my CD player and write notes, stories, poems, drawing while listening to
Gabriels SO. I felt like I was the only one of my age who didn't care for
The Spice Girls on
NSYNC (I must admit, I did have a thing for
BSB. I saw them in concert with my neighbor and it was awesome, okay??). I loved my rock music, but didn't really know that rock bands of that time even existed. I was pretty much convinced by my mother that the only radio stations that existed were pop music one's. So I listened, and I would record songs on a tape from the radio when the good one's came on. But one day, on a trip home from Cedar Point with my fellow choir members (I was in choir and heavily into theatre when I was young. I miss it sometimes, still...) when I heard 89X, a Detriot alternative rock station. I had no idea who any of the bands were, and was amazed at the fact that rock bands existed today...!?! What?!? I programmed that in my mom's car.
And then, the iPod. I am a firm believe that the iPod has changed my life. My boyfriend had given me an iPod for graduation, and it never left me! That is, until it got stolen, but I would just get another...and then that one was stolen...and a new boyfriend got me another which I still own!
All of my albums on one little device! I could take it anywhere and it wouldn't skip! It was music everyday, almost all day for Chelsie. When I couldn't listen to that, I tried getting on the new alternative rock band wagon to figure out who all these people were.
It wasn't long before I owned
Franz Ferdinand, Modest Mouse, Keane, and Coldplay. The my first
Killers Album:
Hot Fuss. My parents and I went to the mall, and I knew I wanted it, even though I thought
Somebody Told Me was...weird...but something drew me in, and I had to have it. Oh My God, what a freaking delight. Everysong was played on repeate on the way home, and my dad even burned it for himself when we got home. It was
Mr. B and
On Top everyday for a very long time...my mom loved that.
I thought, FINALLY, a new band that is AMAZING! I was worried for a while, that most of these bands were just mediocre compared to the greats, but
The Killers were an exception. Their music was different than everyone else's, and the lyrics were actually...created...not just thrown together. Gosh, I loved them...
As time grew, I got to know every band on 89X. Myspace came around, and though I had vowed FOREVER NOT to get one, I gave in. The best part about it was the music. I could browse new music I had never heard before, and it was amazing. Many of the bands I like today I found on Myspace.
I had never been much of a concert goer, mainly because not many of my friends were that into music (or at least the bands that were touring). I had seen 38 special when i was little, and a few local bands before (some of my friends were in bands, too, which I was always jealous of). My boyfriend and my best friends boyfriend made a band together, finally. Thet played a lot of classic rock, and practiced in my friends garage. They had a lot of gigs, and it was an amazing time! My boyfriend sang, and hers played guitar. They had a drummer, who was awesome, a young bass player, and an organ player. We had some really great times, for sure. Holly and I even took part....but I think our Canadian Boys Choir impressions weren't exactly what they were looking for for some reason...whatever.
But time passed. They broke up...WE broke up...and we found new loves.
Sam's Town came out, and I listened to that non stop...well since today. The place I worked at let me conrtol the music and I ALWAYS had
Sam's Town in the player. No one complained, and I got some people into serious Killer love. I had to see them.
May of 2007, 5 of us went to see
The Killers at the Fox Theatre in Detriot. Though I had been first in line to buy tickets, our seats were seperated into 2 groups, and way in the balcony...but we didn't care. The venue is AMAZING, and perfect for
Sam's Town. The concert started, and I was somewhere else....I was IN Sam's Town...for about 2 hours. I couldn't beleive
Brandon was right there.
Ronnie! Dave!Mark! The balcony shook, and I never sat down, and couldn't understand the people who were. I yelled every word, and forgot about life for a while. The experience was like nothing else. We were all there, together, for the same reason. We all had something great in common, and felt that same love together. Amazing.
Since then, I have seen
The Killers one more time. This time, I had signed up for The Victims, the fan club for The Killers, months before their tour started. I got floor seats for their show at EMU in Ypsi, MI, and it was just my boyfriend and I. We got there amazingly early, and waited 3 hours in freezing cold temperatures, but it was worth it. No balcony for us, it was front row, barrier standing! I can not describe the DIFFERENCE that makes! I tooka lot of pictures, fell in love again, got lost in the music, and felt such a rush as never before. Ahhhhh I can't wait until May. I see them again.
So that's how it started. I'm sure I missed some milestones...but that's the jist. I can't thank my dad enough, really, for his influence. My collection grows more every month, and I'm here to share. I really beleive there's a new Rock Revolution going on right now, and it's sad that people in America are MISSING IT! So I'm doing my part in educating you people.
Rock out.
wow I wrote a lot...